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[REQ]Gold/Silver Panning


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I think it would be cool if some modder made a gold-panning mod, or a gold-panning/silver-panning mod. I think it would only be allowed in small rivers and streams. Nothing like a major river. Also, not every single stream/small river would have gold in it, or at the very least all over. What I was think of was just select spots, maybe near mines if possible. Or higher up in the mountains, in streams. I think It should be that you get a varied amount each time, maybe 0 to 3 or 4. Then the site shuts down for 10 days or something. You can then come back and try again. I don't think there should be map markers...takes the fun out of the game. You have to remember, "Now where was that stream where I panned for gold again?" Perhaps also, there could be a little graphical scene, which shows the player panning for the gold.


But having the precious minerals in Every single stream would be kind of lame.

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