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Followers in Skyrim


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I have one basic opinion on followers: do not want.


I actually kept Lydia after she was assigned to me originally because I wasn't sure what would happen if I sent her away ( ^^; ), and she died a lot (because I'm a mage and she makes an excellent wall... .-.). When she died while fighting to get to the Wolf Queen I left her there, her soul to roam forevermore under the earth around Solitude... with about 300 pounds of my stuff. Oops.


Really the problem was I found them pretty immersion-breaking. Forget them never paying attention to what we were doing, no one else seemed to notice or care that I had an entourage. The followers were never acknowledged as existing by anyone else, it's like they're some loot-carrying summon only I can see. One who isn't even nice to me. Come on, do you really have to have an attitude, housecarl? I could have you beheaded...


Well, yeah, and the fact that they never seem to notice or care if you're taking them along into the shrine of Mehrunes Dagon or to eat some priest or visiting the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary is kind of a problem...

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I only use followers when absolutely necessary for a particular quest. As soon as it's done, they are outta there. Conjuration gives me all the followers I need.



Yes at least if a conjuration get's in the way you can kill it with your sword a follower/companion you need to use a Thu'um shout on to get them out of the way and they fall behind and get lost, a lost conjuration can be re-summoned

Edited by sinnerman69
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