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Feet position and the Cbbe body.

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I am working outfit studio and Unique outfits and such. Every once in a while I will get this. I am assuming that It is either position differently then the normal model (like it was imported from a different game or custom made.) or the slide isn't made correctly? I can't add stuff to bottom of the shoe or boot. it would look odd. Is there a way to solve it or do i just need to delete the Cbbe reference and hope for the best?

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If you don't need the body, you can delete the body mesh in the final project.


If you need to remove a part of the body (the feet...), you can create a zap slider.

Mask the body part. Menu slider, add zap slider.

Before biuld the outfit en BodySlide, you can check the zap to remove the unwanted part.

Edited by Cthorthu
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