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Adding dialogue audio files to a custom NPC

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First, you need to record a dummy file. Under the audio section, use the record button to record the dummy file (the content of this dummy file does not matter, it will get replaced by the real audio file you recorded). Save the dummy recording.


After you have created the dummy file, find the dummy file in the file explorer (the location is specified in the "path" column in the audio list where the voice type is the one you have for your npc) and replace the dummy file with your recorded wav.


To generate lip sync files, drag the 32bit creation kit files (found in your fo4 install folder under tools in one of the folders) to your main fo4 install folder. Then open the same response dialog, click on the audio list item, click on the "from wav" button and hit "generate lip file". The audio list item should now have a "Y" in the "lip" column.


Here's a handy tutorial in video format also


Hope this helped :)

Edited by Guest
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