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how do u know


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Do you mean Dawnguard? dawnstar is a hold/town/ or city in Skyrim


most of the popular dawnguard mods have dawnguard in the title and if you type Dawnguard on the nexus mod download page over 12 pages of dawnguard mods well come up



Also if your not sure if it works with dawnguard or not, look at the date it was uploaded read the description tab page for the mod, see the comment boards of the mod to see if the modder helps and if he/she's been active, you can click on there profile too to check when they where last active!..

Edited by sinnerman69
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It is almost always mentioned in the mods description and/or readme, unless it's an obvious fact. ALWAYS read this first. If you're still unsure then simply ask in the comment-section.
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