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How do I open Vortex-1-0-18-11-1561629940.86?


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Same problem here, I downloaded it, the file is .195 No programs on my computer recognize it. I tried to open with winrar, but nothing. I tried to change the file name by right clic on it and rename the extension for .exe it doesn't work. Someone can give a real answer please? Thanks.


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Same problem here, I downloaded it, the file is .195 No programs on my computer recognize it. I tried to open with winrar, but nothing. I tried to change the file name by right clic on it and rename the extension for .exe it doesn't work. Someone can give a real answer please? Thanks.


You got the real answer.

What happened - exactly - when you changed the file extension to .exe?

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Guest deleted34304850

that's the answer. not vortex's fault if you run a crappy anti-virus and are unable to rename a file.

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I succeeded to install from an old version of vortex (who still have the extension .exe Now I have a new issue, it says Vortex is not intended to be run as administrator. file permissions can be changed... How can I fix that please? Thanks.
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Guest deleted34304850

your problem are nothing whatsoever to do with the issue from the OP. open your own ticket for each problem you get, but you can find the answers by searching these forums and saving yourself a lot of time.

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Hello 1ae0bfb8,


On your profile, you wrote "Talk to me". I'm talking to you now. You seem to know what is really the problem without to explain clearly. As me, Tristfarddth and more than 85 people in few days who viewed this topic, because many have the same issue and not knowing what to do. When we download vortex, it appear to be a .195 file or .86 for Tristfarddth case, it's not a .exe file. Even that I right clic on it and trying to change the extension from .195 to .exe, it doesnt change the extension file. I mean, there is no way to change it. If you know how to help, I will surely appreciate a helpful answer, not something blur as an answer. I'm not a computer nerd as you probably are, your knowledge is valuable. Can you please help us into a constructive way instead of just let us in the dark. Thanks

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Guest deleted34304850

if you don't know how to rename a file in windows, i don't know what to say.

google it.

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