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Orphans Kill Grelod


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Today I downloaded a mod, "More Gifts For Children" that allows the player to give children a larger variety of gifts and in a couple of the pics they showed the kids with weapons. This inspired me to think that a quest to arm the orphans to rise up against Grelod might make for a interesting alternative to killing her yourself. Some folks(not me) don't like the idea of murdering someone, despite how cruel they might be just to liberate some kids. Now this may break the quest to join the Dark Brotherhood but if you still wanted to free the children and didn't care about the DB then it could be a good alternative. I personally think it would be fun to arm the poor, abused tikes and let them go aggro on the mean old lady.


Inspiration https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26977


I would do this myself but alas, I wouldn't know where to begin or if it's even possible.

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