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Followers !


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- So hi, I almost didn't want to write this "little" request of mine, seeing how there's already over 1000 requests and probably 10 to 20% of them were accepted..


But enough of that, what I'd really like is for someone to be kind enough to create a couple of followers for me.. Make followers out of my over 20 characters, but not all, really, I only wish for around 10.. I'm a 0% match with the CK and I just couldn't install the NPC Editor correctly..


- Seems hard for me to find someone to do that, but uhm, please message me if you're feeling so bored you could do this thing..


- I merely use CBBE bodies and faces for females and Better Males (FavoredSoul for the bodies and Younger+Geonox for the faces).. For males.. Both genders have no eye mods, no hair mods, no scar, dirt, facepaint mods.. The only specific thing I've got added in customization is the Dremora Horns for Dark Elves. I have no idea what other information to give.. So here are some pics of my characters:





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