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Advance time when opening door


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@JanusForbeare: You were right. The load door gave me some problems with the time modifications. After doing a debug, I realized the script ran 3 times! Got that figured out by doing a scripted teleport (MoveTo) and some triggers. Thanks for the heads up.


@Everyone: 2 new problems


1. My followers don't keep up with me when I go trough the teleport, although it has a

 float Time02 =  GameHour.Mod(Time01)

attached to it - after the teleport. I asumed it would give them time to find me. They don't.

Is there a way to script a MoveTo for both me and my followers? Do I have to setup the followers mannually or can the game get that?


2. And this is the important one! I get the gametime to progress by a couple of hours, when I walk trough this door, but the active effects (temp buffs / vamp hunger) isn't effected by this time progression. Can I call an update of some sort?

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