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Need help with Automatron Settlment Vendors

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As the title implies, I am working on a mod that allows all robot workbenche "craftable" voicetypes from the Automatron DLC to be used as settlement vendors, doctors, barbers and surgeons (last two are from the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC and I would like to do those extra).

I have been banging my head against this for almost 3 straight weeks now and I just can't figure out the best way to go about this. Part of the problem is, that I am not Papyrus (or any script language for that matter) savy. I can understand the logic and figure out script fragments, but once more involved terms come into play I'm sadly out.

I'm stuck at the most important part: How to get every "player created robot" to be able to be used as a fully functional vendor? I'd have to create dialogue paths for all voicetypes, that's easy. I'd so it in a separate quest. Now since they are robots I'd want them to be available 24/7. That would either work by making 6 new vendor factions where I just edit the work hours OR (and I'm not sure what gets the priority) I just use the vanilla vendor factions (by adding them to the template robot) and the vanilla "dlc01:workshoprobotscript" on the "DLC01LvlCompWorkbenchBot" robot template has the bWork24Hours value set to TRUE already. Again I don't know if the script overrides the vendor faction set working hours or not.


In any case, the last hurdle (as far as I can tell) would be to get my dialogue quest somehow connected to any robot that is assigned to one of the player-built settlement stores or services so that the robots can access the newly created dialogue paths.

I have been going through all vendor related entries in the ck and the attached scripts and the closest I've found is this part of the "workshopparentscript":

; utility function for setting/clearing vendor data on an actor
function SetVendorData(WorkshopScript workshopRef, WorkshopNPCScript assignedActor, WorkshopObjectScript assignedObject, bool bSetData = true)
	wsTrace("	SetVendorData actor=" + assignedActor + ", object=" + assignedObject + ", bSetData=" + bSetData)

	if assignedObject.VendorType > -1
		wsTrace("		vendor type " + assignedObject.VendorType)
		WorkshopVendorType vendorData = WorkshopVendorTypes[assignedObject.VendorType]
		if vendorData
			; -- vendor faction
			wsTrace("		vendor faction " + vendorData.VendorFaction)
			if bSetData
				if vendorData.keywordToAdd01
				if vendorData.keywordToAdd01

			; -- assign vendor chests
			ObjectReference[] vendorContainers = workshopRef.GetVendorContainersByType(assignedObject.VendorType)
			int i = 0
			while i <= assignedObject.vendorLevel
				if bSetData
					wsTrace("		linking to " + vendorContainers[i] + " with keyword " + VendorContainerKeywords.GetAt(i) as Keyword)
					assignedActor.SetLinkedRef(vendorContainers[i], VendorContainerKeywords.GetAt(i) as Keyword)
					assignedActor.SetLinkedRef(NONE, VendorContainerKeywords.GetAt(i) as Keyword)
				i += 1

			; ERROR


The problem is that this script is too complex for me to fully grasp and I wouldn't know where to begin in order to change it so to add a condition that if the "assignedActor" is in the "DLC01WorkshopRobotFaction" that they get added to the new VendorFaction that allows for 24/7 working hours. I don't even know if that would be a good way to go about it.


I would love to stay as compatible as possible, so changing vanilla things is always my last resort but I just don't see how else to do it.

So I guess my biggest issue is ... making this mod >.< Because my question is how do I get any robot that was player-made in the robot workbench to be a voiced vendor/service provider and that works 24/7? How do I connect the robot template with either new vendor factions and a new dialogue quest OR with the vanilla vendor faction and a new dialogue quest?

I hope someone can help. In any case, thanks for reading this far. Have a good day.


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You should probably not edit the workshopparent script (or any other vanilla script). Doing so will make your mod incompatible w/ anything else that edits those scripts (such as the unofficial patch, wsfw, etc).

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