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Simple Samuel L. Jackson Voice Lines


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I would love to see a mod that swaps the voice lines of the male (or female too, I don't care) sole survivor with Samuel L. Jackson saying "motherf*#@er" in various tones of voice. I specifically mean it to be so that every time you pick a dialogue option, you hear "motherf*#@er" once, and that's it. Also, I think there should be different types of motherf*#@er. Not a lot, just a few. Specifically: a happy "motherf*#@er" for positive dialogue options, a sad "motherf*#@er" for sad dialogue options, an amused "motherf*#@er" for sarcastic or funny dialogue options, a questioning "motherf*#@er" for dialogue options in which you ask for more information, and finally, an angry "motherf*#@er" for negative dialogue options.


Please let me know what you think of my idea. I sincerely, hope someone decides to take this idea and make it into a reality.



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