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Are there any weapon mods that has the MG Negev?

There are a lot of weapon mods that I've seen on the nexus mod but none for the Negev even if I googled it or maybe I am just bad at searching. :sad:

I would love to see the Negev being in the game as it is my most favorite weapon besides HK416.


If there is by any chance anyone knows how to make this mod (Hopefully without the CSGO -new- sound effect of the Negev which I didn't like... I do prefer the old sound effect of the Negev and was only lucky to find it in a L4D2 workshop), I would very much appreciate it but I also understand that this request could be a bit too much but I would be thankful for it. Negev needs as much love as Jericho and Tar-21 as well as the Desert Eagle. :sad:


Here is the 3D model I managed to find about the Negev to hopefully assist the modders in making it, should there be anyone making it.



Thanks to anyone who visits and replies to this thread.

I hope you all have a nice day!

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