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City guards are overly blood thirsty


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Uh... basically my topic title says it all. So I murdered this pal because he wanted me to join his stupid thieves guild ._. And because of my sloppy stealth skills, they witnessed murder. The guards went like "STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM" and I didn't fancy bounty or gaol so I just chose to 'pay with my blood' and run away.


Then I reconsidered my decision and thought some time in prison would suit better, but guess what, guards attacked on sight and no matter how much I drew/sheathed my weapon, and did whatever key combos I knew, they would not accept my surrender. What's with that? Is there any workaround, besides physically removing bounty with console, and then readding it?


I've tried fast travel, waiting 3 days and whatnot, nothing seemed to help. Are guards simply just hardcoded to make resist arrest option final?

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That's because of the very high bounty for killing. You may have already had a bounty, so now it's kill on sight. It seems to get stuck. So as above you'll need to change the bounty before it will let you surrender.
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