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Changing colours used by impactdatasets


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This is a continuation of my topic on changing the colour of spell effects, started here


I have everything nailed down for a green flames spell (pics in the link above) except the impactdataset.


As far as the dataset is concerned, I've changed all the textures and addonnodes I could find in it, but it's acting very strangely. The flames (those resulting from the impactdataset, I've succeeded in making all the other ones attached to the spell effect green) are still orange. I've gone through and reworked the files being used by it, and it still wants to make it orange. Very strange. The way it works is something like:


Impactdataset > Impacteffect > .nif file (draws from textures and one addon node) > addon node > nif file (again draws from some textures)


It's at the impacteffect point that it's acting weird. Even if I disconnect all the impacteffects from the impactdataset, it still wants to use orange flame for all the impact effects. This doesn't make sense, since it shouldn't be drawing on any impacteffects at all . . .


Once again, I know that I'm looking for a reference to gradflame01.dds--apparently the flame texture used for most of the game's fire effects--somewhere in the .nifs or the CK, because when I replace that file in the textures folder, the flames will turn green, along with all other flames in the game.


Anyone who's been working with impactdatasets know what might be going on here?

Edited by zombiecurse
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