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[Help]I cannot start the mission 'The Wolf Queen Awakened'


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Hi I just registered on this site because of this thread for I have the same exact problem. I don't even know if adwares is still checking this thread, but I am almost 100% positive that the quest won't start if you've already become thane of Solitude and it has nothing to do with the updates. I tried setstage 50 and nothing changes accept the dialogue with Falk Firebeard about decorating the house becomes highlighted again, I leveled up a number of times after completing "The Man Who Cried Wolf" and no courier I'm at level 55 now. I added the letter through console and it was indeed blank and did not initiate quest. I'm going to try to add letter and add the catacombs key that styrr gives you if i can find the code for it, and setting the stage to 100. But I don't think it will work because there may not be any dialogue or anyone to report back to after the quest. So, if anyone has any more ideas about this please post 'em.



I checked sqs ms06 and all quest stages from 0 to 250 are at 0.

I pick pocketed Falk and he did have the letter on him. I took it, read it and the quest still didn't initiate, and no new dialogue options, I even dropped on the floor, nada.

I tried using Voice of the Emperor because that seems to fix a lot of things, nada.


However I did find this mod on the nexus site. I haven't tried it yet, but I think what caused the problem is mentioned in the description, it says the couriers delivery of the note could be superseded by another delivery, in my case probably a letter from Calcelmo. It's not a perfect fix but it's worth a shot.

Edited by Vulgar1
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  • 3 years later...

Hey so I had an issue starting this quest.

I'd completed The Man Who Cried Wolf that is to say, the Wolfskull Cave quest for Falk Firebeard in the Blue Palace but no courier ever showed up; I looked for multiple fixes to no avail, but I did manage to fix it and here's how; I hope it helps if anyone else is having the same issue. Using Console commands:

resetquest ms06start - this will reset the quest for Varnius and Wolfskull Cave

player.setstage ms06start 15 Wait for journal entry - since you've likely already done all this you can proceed with the following.

player.setstage ms06start 50 - again, wait for journal entries; don't rush or you might break something.

player.setstage ms06start 100 - again wait for the journal entries.

Player.setstage ms06start 250 - at this point your journal should update as if you actually completed the quest and you should receive some gold.

So what you've basically done here is reset The Man Who Cried Wolf, and progressed it in the journal as if you actually did it which, since you had already done it earlier (the commands don't reset the NPCs and things), makes it a matter of telling the game that you've done it.

Now to get the next part started all you have to do is type: resetquest ms06

As far as I've been able to tell this just allows The Wolf Queen Awakened to start as it should.

According to UESP.net a level up is required before the courier will come with the letter; I've not been able to confirm whether or not this holds true for this fix but it's probably a good idea to assume it does.

It took a few days, i.e more than 24 hours (in game of course) for the courier to reach me but he did and gave me the letter from Falk Firebeard about the Wolfskull Cave issue. There was no journal entry but when I went to see Falk Firebeard he gave me the quest and it is proceeding normally.

I hope this helps.

Edited by Ravhan
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