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How to lower carryweight permanently?


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As far as I understood, console command just changes carryweight until you restart the game, and then you have to type it again. Is there a mod that lets me set carry weight to lets say maximum of ~100? Or can I change it somewhere from the notepad files?


Not looking for complex mods such as SkyRealisms carrying overhaul, but just a simple mod that does the same as console command would, but only permanently. I already have this one installed, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17140, but thanks to stamina I have gained with levels I already have capacity of almost 200 which I think is way too much. What I want is max carry of 80-100.

Edited by hitlike
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You can use player.ForceAV carryweight X or player.ModAV carryweight X in console.


PS: ModAV is buffing/debuffing which means the value you insert is an Add or Subtract.


I assume it's player.SetAV which makes it reset upon restart.


player.forceAV one worked and seems to stick after restarting the game. Exactly what I was looking for, many thanks.

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