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Dovahkiin needs a bath! (and relaxation. And religion.)


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So I have ICMN and Frostfall - Hypothermia, as well as a couple of the SkyRealism mods. I am considering the Professions mod (with ICMN, I'd probably end up a hunter or a cook :P).


Basically I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions for anything else along these lines, wherein you perform some sort of action to maintain some sort of stat.


  • A cleanliness or bathing stat would be superb, since Skyrim is such a dirty place.
  • Or some sort of stress stat where you do relaxing activities to reduce it.
  • A piousness mod that gives you bonuses/minuses for maintaining or neglecting your religious duties?
  • Something that gives me a job or business that I actually have to attend to every so often.
  • Anything that makes me visit my owned houses every so often to maintain them/pay for them/not have them repossessed... something, besides buy them and walk away.
  • -On that note, anything that makes me return to holds to maintain my Thaneship there.
  • --Similarly, anything that requires me to return to the College / Sanctuary / Jorvaskr / Imperial castle, etc. for my faction ranks to be maintained.


Really, I'd like the game to force immersion on me. I could do all of those things now, make myself return to the college once a month to keep my job as Archmage and go visit all my houses to make sure they haven't fallen into disrepair, and I can dunk myself into every lake I find to pretend like I'm bathing, but... there's no reason to, and you don't lose anything by not doing it, so it's pretty empty.


(Also, since you've read this far, any mods that add more animals or wildlife would be appreciated too. :P Save myself making another post.) Don't need that anymore, unless there's something besides Real Wildlife, SkyTest, and Hunting in Skyrim.

Edited by AnkhAscendant
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While I am already working on some project, those are the kind of ideas that I like to implement. If nobody ever do those, I will consider doing them :)


I did think about your Jobs, but I wasn't sure if I should link / push it, since it's a WIP ^^; I didn't want it to feel like pressure or anything.

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Well I am probably going to have half the project done by the end of this month.


Once it is done, I have a mod that adds businesses to skyrim and another one that will add some type of gambling dens( not sure if you would consider this immersion but it's going to get done anyway).



While there is temples in skyrim, they are pretty empty in all, what I like in oblivion was that you could somewhat feel like roleplaying when going to them because they werent so empty so that is something I would like to expand somewhat.

Edited by littleork
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  • 1 month later...
I decided to go ahead and do some temples for the Divines as part of a side project, probably won't spend a lot of hours a week on it but will start doing some buildings for it next weeks. I am thinking of adding a few features to it like a donation bowl,shrine and praying altar that will give you buffs when you use them. Will also add villagers and priest, not sure if I will do that part but maybe adding a priest that does a speech during the day could be nice. They are probably going to be spread out all around Skyrim, thinking of doing at least a temple for the Divines that don't have one like Arkay,Zenithar,Stendar etc. It might not be much but should help a bit for immersion purposes.
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That sounds like it would be a really nice addition ^^ It did always seem strange that for people fighting over religion, only Kynareth, Mara, and Talos actually had temples... There are always those shrines in the wilderness, but nobody ever seems to visit them. The temples that there are don't even seem to have any purpose. Anything for more life...
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That sounds like it would be a really nice addition ^^ It did always seem strange that for people fighting over religion, only Kynareth, Mara, and Talos actually had temples... There are always those shrines in the wilderness, but nobody ever seems to visit them. The temples that there are don't even seem to have any purpose. Anything for more life...



Yeah they are just empty, I think it's a good start toward more immersion, I should tag myself as a immersion modder at this point :P. But yeah, if I can figure it out, I would like to have some of the current npcs go to those temples as well instead of just adding new ones.

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http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9778 - Real wildlife

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17723 - Birds of Skyrim

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18866 - Hunting in Skyrim


Check here too, they have sections just for rping and realisim: http://www.skyrimgems.com/


But yeah I would like a bathing mod like Oblivion had...that was nice.

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