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Better Thieves Guild


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I think anyone who likes being a thief in skyrim will want a mod like this as much as I do. First of all, this mod should start after you become the new leader of the thieves guild. The members should stop calling you "milk drinker" and "brynolf's new protege" and take you more seriously. I know its the thieves guild and they mess around but they should show respect to a nightingale and of all nightingales their own leader. thieves wandering skyrim should recognize you without you having to be in uniform. Another thing... there should be an option for you to improve the thieves guild to the point where it rises above maven black briar. I don't like this npc and im sure a lot of other people don't either, she treats the dragonborn as some kind of slave. I robbed her house today and the thieves guild kicked me, their own leader out of the guild. Had to pay 1000 gold to get back in. Overall I want a mod that allows you to bring the thieves guild back to its former glory and for the dragonborn to get the respect he/she deserves from within the guild
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I don't know about Maven, but I'd like to see her give more respect to you. She's definitely a useful person, since she keeps the guards off the Thieves guild's back. Not theoretically, the Nightingales are supposed to be secret. Still, being guild master should carry more respect.


Personally, I'd like to see some far more challenging missions. As it is, the most challenging missions to a thief are infiltrating Calcelmo's Lab, and the Pinewatch mission.


All the others don't really require any sort of stealth or are easily accomplished by slaughtering all interference.

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