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constant ctd near cit ruins


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hi everyone, i recently reinstalled fo4 after playing few years ago. got all my mods updated and working, but i'm suffering from a game breaking bug. everytime i approach a certain point on the map (bridge near the cit ruins, not far from where danse is met at the cambridge police station) the game immediately crashes to desktop. doing research, i originally thought it was a bad luck save game corruption.


started a new game, exact same problem. turned off all mods, loaded up the save, still crashed. started a new game without any mods activated apart from Start Me Up, still crash at the same location. verifying game file integrity hasn't helped either. i last played the game back in 2017, on the same rig as i have now, didn't have these problems at all.


anyone got any idea how to help me out?

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well, after some more digging i realized i had a real derp moment. i was only turning the plugins of the mods off, instead of actually deactivating them. turns out a magazine replacer mod was causing the crash- i guess it must have been conflicting with another magazine mod i had installed.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone. I was having problems with Fallout 4 crashing with mods around CIT, Hangman's Alley, Cambridge Polymer Labs and so forth. I read a forum where if you have a magazine mod installed, which I did, to uninstall it and it will fix the issue.


Also, though, at the same time I had the following mods disabled and so I uninstalled them, unknown if it made a difference:



H2 Wastelands - Magazines

Immersive Scrapping - Automatron

Immersive Scrapping - Far Harbour

Immersive Scrapping - Vault Tec Workshop

Jane's Tattoos CBBE Body for Unique Player

LooksMenu Body Tattoos (CBBE)(EVB or Vanilla)-25000-1-3-2.7z

Magazines of the Commonwealth <==== THIS ONE WAS INSTALLED

Roads Redone 2K


Tali's Presets 1.2


I hope this helps everyone. :mellow:

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