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SSEEdit language issue


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SSEEDIT is constantly loading in the Italian language. I have already tried going to "Localization, Language, English" and it changes it temporarily, but after closing it and running the game, my menus are all in italian. Speech is in english. When I reopen SSEEDIT, it is back in Italian. In SSEEDIT the editor id shows English, but "name" column is Italian. How do I keep it in English? I've been playing this game and modding for years and never has this happpened before. I even verified in steam it was set for English and redownloaded the whole game. Nothing is working. I disabled all mods in both right and left column and launching the game through MO2 skse or skyrim launcher results in Italian interface. Launching the game outside of MO2 it's English. MO2 is set to English, so is steam so that only leaves SSEEDIT. Am I missing another possibility here? Has anyone experienced this and know a fix?


What I know for certain: My install is good, game files are verified in English, MO2 is set to English, no mod is at fault, and SSEEDIT is changing language to Italian.


Edit: I started SSEEDIT outside of MO2 and it started in English. That doesn't help me play my game in the right language but it seems maybe the problem is in MO2. Still looking for help.


Edit 2: May have found the issue. In the MO2 folder, under profile, profile name, skyrim.ini, it said Language= Italian, even though skyrim.ini in documents says English as does the MO2 application. Not sure how that happenend though. Will continue to moniter.

Edited by Charles17
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