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RailRoad ending where spare the BOS


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Here you go, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22381 . This does require some planning, you need to read the entire description. There are several points where you look and say this can't work, but it does. There is also a version to keep the Nuka World gangs alive, and one for Far Harbor. This does keep the BOS, Railroad, institute and Minutemen alive. It works, it's interesting and there are a couple of things to avoid. Enjoy.

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Here's an alternative you might consider: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28085

If you still want to blow up the Institute (instead of reforming it) with the Railroad's help while keeping the Prydwen intact, I'm not sure either mod allows that (though I admit I haven't tried Four Factions Alive myself, so I only have the description to go by)


Four Factions Alive keeps all four factions alive, I haven't seen any way to change that without messing up the whole mod. It does require you to accept a couple of odd probabilities, they do work. If you use it, it's a good idea to not take any BoS to the institute. They both believe the other was destroyed. I've seen Valkyrie before but hadn't paid much attention to it until you brought it up, it looks promising. Now I need to see how many profiles I can set up because I was just ready to give Transfer Settlements a try. Decisions, decisions.

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I'm pretty sure The Danse Dillemma mod that partially restores cut BOS content gives an option for proceeding without undertaking Tactical Thinking, when you become enemies with the Railroad, thus keeping them intact. The mod page has a few videos showing the added content that may give better info on the specifics.


EDIT: I'd add that if you do give this mod a try should probably make sure you have a good save you can fall back to prior to activating it. It seems to have a LOT of issues. Read the comment and bug sections carefully before deciding to install it.

Edited by RedRocketTV
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