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are you alcoholics or skooma addicts???


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what do you drink??


how much of which drink do you own??


how many bottles of whatever one or more than one type do you drink a day?


under what circumstances do you drink these bodie abusing liquids??


are you and alcoholic or a skooma addict??

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if you have no coment but to say how much these sort of things pi$$ you off then send me a personal message rather than tryin to be big infront of all the users.so unless you have a valued opinion of the post wether it be for or against then just dont bother posting a reply.....i have no problem with youeven tho everyone thinks you suck but try and cool you temper and instead of boosting your ego.....ive said my piece
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I drink water, beer, wine and sometimes whisky. Rarely drink Coke and/ or juice.


It depends on how thirsty I am.


I drink alcohol when I am partying with my friends.


I'm not alcoholic and there is no skooma in the real world, so... I think this should be in off topic.

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i mean in game equivalent of alcohol!!

as in greef,shien,matze,sujamma etc etc!!


like the stuff you buy in the corner clubs and pubs like the rat in the pot and the shalk inn!!


i mean in game stuff not personal


in other words wat do you use and how much rather than regular magic and items???

k hopefully thats a bit clearer....sorry folks i thought the title told you the idea neway.....


now we all understand ppl can start postin

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lol sorry to see that people out there don't see the humor in this topic. I don't use any of the listed substances on my caracter because she ( got better bodies mod and it is worthwile to play a female, especily one who is training in unarmored combat, hehehe) mainly because it has a negitive effect on some of the stats and that does not justify useing it. I do collect moon surger so i can make potions, but again i dont use, just sell :lol: B)
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