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Skyrim Uncut - Extended Mod Projects


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If I could have one ambitious mod project it would be to have a villa similar to Assassin's Creed where you produce wealth and skilled followers.

A nice fort with a tower with troops and a blacksmith and a bar. Maybe it could have a few simple visual theme options, even if it's just the color of ambient lighting or something, things like white magic, black magic, thief, sithis, or fighter themes, to make them feel more like they actually belong to that character.

People have made awesome homes but I'd like it to have some dynamic features and feel more tied to my character's choices. Maybe the number and skill of your followers and guards and the money you bring in is based on your prestige in their respective factions. In the end you could have fighters and battlemages, and thieves and murderers kicking it around your place.

I'd really like to stop being a dumpster diver at some point and put my money to use making me money. There needs to be investment options, or something. Maybe make a landlord mod where you can purchase various homes and land and collect tax on your serfs and maybe take their newly weds on their wedding night until Mel Gibson comes after you.

Edited by budcat
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yeah i agree with most of what budcat says except for that part about Mel Gibson hunting me down eventhoughaBraveheartmodwouldbeprettysweet, but uhh uhm uhhh anyway



Yeah I'm sick of being some rich guy who owns the most expensive house in skyrim and yet, I defile dead bodies and ravage urns and burial tombs looking for scraps of gold.


There really needs to be a way to make big money without being a unholy demon spawn.


And yeah that idea about developing your own town is pretty awesome too. Someone should make a whole questline for it similar to Assassins Creed. Like maybe you build a house somewhere on the road and suddenly, a khajiit caravan breaks down near your house and decide to set up shop. And then you save some wanderer from some forsworn or something and it turns out he's a blacksmith from hammerfell travelling with his family to skyrim and BOOM you got yoself a blacksmith.


And then it kind of goes on like that.

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Yeah I'm sick of being some rich guy who owns the most expensive house in skyrim and yet, I defile dead bodies and ravage urns and burial tombs looking for scraps of gold.


Lmfao! Oh god, thats going in my sig :P

Edited by scottmack
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