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Sound problem when NPCs talk.


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I've started playing Skyrim again after a long hiatus and now I have this irritating sound problem.

If I look straight at someone that's talking I can hear what they're saying fine but as soon as they are out of my view, even if I'm standing practically on top of them it go silent. Have to use subs.

Because of this I'm missing a lot of interesting conversations in the background.


Anyone else had this problem? I'd really appreciate help, this is immersion breaking.


Ps: Can it be Dawnguard? That's the only thing I think that's changed since I played last.

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Try starting the game without the Dawngaurd mod checked to find out. Also try verifying your files thru Steam.


I tried without Dawnguard checked but that caused a CTD. Haven't figured out why yet, probably a mod.

I'll try verifying the files and see if that solves the problem.

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