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I have a place of residence in every town and camp... lol... took me awhile to do but i did it... and each house has some stuff in it, its really hard to find what im looking for though, lots of houses to go through :D
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I have 2 houses i collect magic scrolls I presently have over 80. also I collect skulls right now I have over 15.


in response to the first post I have been killed by a rat I had a lvl 2 char. and did the first fighters guild quest and got killed by the 2 rats above that persons house.

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in response to the first post I have been killed by a rat I had a lvl 2 char. and did the first fighters guild quest and got killed by the 2 rats above that persons house.


Same thing happened to me one of the first times i played :D

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I have uncovered every square millimetre of the map inc. Solstheim and all surrounding sea. Does this qualify me for the Golden Nerd award Mr Original Poser er I mean Poster?


The only things I collect are unique artifacts.


BTW Will anyone admit to stealing the Vivec ash mask from the Temple in Gnisis?

That's worth 50000 as I recall.

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yes that qualifies you!lol

artifacts??keep it goin wat do you have?i only have very few...very useful...but very few


id like to steal it but i cant it doesnt move


every inch of the map??? a round of aplause from me..that makes you one dedicated player well done..


poser??? well at last a moderator with a sense of humour!!lol thanx mate

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I tried stealing the Ash Mask but I couldn't???! Can you do this????


I'm a Morrowind purist so I like to keep things real, I have my place in Balmora that I have called my own, There are books piled floor to ceiling (looks very cool), book cases full of books, rare helms, artifacts, full soulgems and skulls, all lit nicely with candles, paper lanterns! The rarer the light source the better!


Looks like a proper wizards study, my full grandmasters set of equipment is atmospherically lit with an assortment of rare ingredients and gems on my desk.


I also collect Limeware as its quite hard to find. So no full sets of every armour, I have a nice selection of powerful staffs & blades and a nice selection of robes.


For me the satisfaction comes when I return home ;)


Cheaters only cheat themselves out of the satisfaction of completing the game properly!



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I have 3 houses, the manor in caldera, the bookstore in Balmora, and the trader store in Balmora.


I at level 81 with almost 600 health. 300 magica too.


I wear the dragonbone curriass, mask of Clavicus Vile, Boots of Blinding Speed, and the rest is daedric. Plus I have two wraithgaurds.


The best sword ever! Daedric Dai-Kantna enchanted with damage health 38-70. Kills Ordinators in One chop!!! :D

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:( i just have a bunch of crap piles scattered all over Tamriel...

oh, yeah and my overflow loot bag (in the cave north of sadrith mora where Chrysamere is found) with about 17,000,000 (i counted it all up one time when i was bored) gold pieces worth of assorted crap, daedric stuff, unique items, 314 steel shortswords, 94 iron claymores, every uber-special armor/weapon except Ebony Mail, 1,259 racer plumes, 17 Glass frost,fire, poison, storm swords, a DAEDRIC tower shield, bittercup etc. etc. Then theres ahnassi's house...and that pile outside of Vivec. oh and every crate in balmora is filled with my worthless junk, as well as every room in every mages guild. all this on the x-box version so i had to go and get all this stuff the hard way. jeez i need a life! :P

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i collect dwemer coins, the sad thing is i sold a couple when i started the game, i sold 50 it hink. Now i have a stack taller then me. Its over 400 coins


My friend collects moon shuger and skooma and saltrice. He has 3000 saltrice or more, he has enoough skooma to fill the rafters of Anhassi's house and (in groupls of 10) enougb moon sugar to fill the biggest bowel he can find to over flowing and then some.

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