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I'm working on collecting a full set of every type of armor and weapon. Anyone know where I can get Daedric boots and a cuirass? Those are the only things I can't seem to find... (I also have the Face of Inspiration and Terror, missing the third one).



Oh, and first real post!

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I colect keys, scrolls, potions, glass armor, security things, notes, and dwenmer scrap metal(i keep them in some chest al around vardenfell. :D)


When i play morrowind it is chrasing all the time but that doesent matter since i save every 5 sec.


I like to save and then kill everything I see just to see if I could kill them ^_^

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i have all this now










4x ebony broadsword

1x ebony broadsword - SWORD OF WHITE WOE with drain health 1-10pts for 10 secs

(on strike)

5x ebony longsword

5x ebony shortsword

1x ebony shortsword - SAINT'S BLACKSWORD with restore fatigue 1-10pts for 20secs and

restore health 10pts(on self)

4x ebony spear

9x ebony staff

1x ebony staff - WIZARDS'S STAFF with fortify unarmoured 10pts for 120 secs and levitate

1pt for 120 secs on self(cast)

1x ebony staff - FELEN'S EBONY STAFF with 3-7pts shock,fire and frost damage(on strike)

1x ebony claymore - UMBRA SWORD with soultrap for 120secs(cast)

4x ebony war axe

11x ebony mace

2x ebony tower shield

1x ebony shield - SAINT'S SHIELD with feather 20pts for 10 secs and restore fatigue 1-10pts

for 20 secs on self (cast)

3x ebony cuirass

2x ebony greaves

2x ebony boots

2x ebony right pauldron

2x ebony left pauldron

2x ebony right bracer

1x ebony left bracer

2x ebony helm




1x glass claymore

1x glass claymore with absorb health 5-18pts(on strike)

3x glass halberd

2x glass staff

4x glass dagger

6x glass dagger - GLASS JINKBLADE with paralize for 10secs(on strike)

2x glass dagger - GLASS STORMBLADE with shock damage 1-7pts(on strike)

1x glass dagger - GLASS VIPERBLADE with poison damage 1-20pts(on strike)

1x glass longsword

2x glass longsword - GLASS FIRESWORD with fire damage 5-11pts(on strike)

2x glass longsword - GLASS FROSTSWORD with frost damage 3-7pts(on strike)

1x glass longsword - GLASS POISONSWORD with poison damage 5-11pts(on strike)

2x glass war axe

1x glass war axe - WAR AXE OF AIRAN AMMU with fortify strength 15-30 for 30 secs

1x glass war axe - CONOON CHODALA'S AXE with fortify attack 10pts for 30secs

3x glass cuirass

3x glass greaves

3x glass shield

3x glass tower shield

2x glass helm

4x glass left pauldron

6x glass right pauldron

6x glass boots

1x glass right bracer

1x glass left bracer





23x rw ebony



2x dwemer mug

3x ornate dwemer bowl

3x ornate dwemer goblet(type 1)

7x ornate dwemer goblet(type 2)

4x ornate dwemer pitcher

1x dwemer coherer

2x limeware flask



3x ash statue

1x house dagoth cup







1x daedric crescent - with disintergrate armour 5-30pts and paralize for 10secs(on strike)

1x daedric claymore

1x daedric claymore - SOUL BLADE with 10secs soultrap and damage health 48pts(on strike)

2xdaedric battle axe

3x daedric dai katana

1x daedric dai katana - DAEDRIC DAI KATANA OF PAIN with soultrap for 5secs and drain health 98-100pts(on strike)

4x daedric longsword

1x daedric shortsword

1x daedric shortsword - with frost damage 51 pts(on strike)

8x daedric dagger

1x daedric dagger - SOUL DRINKER with soultrap for 30 secs(on strike)

3x daedric clubb

2x daedric mace

1x daedric mace - SCOURGE with summon scamp and dremora for 30secs(cast)

2x daedric katana

2x daedric wakizashi

2x daedric warhammer

1x daedric war axe

3x daedric tanto

1x daedric tanto - with poison 15pts(on strike)

2x daedric spear

6x daedric staff

1x daedric helm - FACE OF TERROR

1x daedric helm - FACE OF INSPIRATION

1x daedric helm - MASQUE OF CLAVICUS VILE with fortify personality 30pts on self(CONSTANT EFFECT)

1x daedric cuirass

1x daedric cuirass - with feather 50pts(CONSTANT EFFECT)

1x daedric greaves

1x daedric greaves - with feather 50pts(CONSTANT EFFECT)

1x daedric boots

1x daedric boots - with jump 17-18pts for 10secs(cast)

1x daedric right pauldron

1x daedric left pauldron

2x daedric right gauntlet

2x daedric left gauntlet

1x daedric shield

1x daedric shield - with summon dremora (CONSTANT EFFECT)

1x daedric shield - AZURA'S SERVANT with frost damage 1-15pts and drain magicka 1-10pts for 30secs on target(cast)




101x matze

72x sujamma

53x shien

66x greef

56x cydrodiilic brandy

46x filn

8x ancient dargoth brandy

12x telvanni bug musk

44x skooma

1x vintage brandy

1x blood of the quarra masters


SOUL GEMS (in chest upstairs):-


1x azura's star (empty ready for vivecs soul)


34x grand soul gem - 14x golden saint

1x dagoth gares

1x lord dregas volar

3x winged twighlight

2x ascended sleeper

3x daedroth

2x skeleton champion

1x ash goul

1x bonelord

1x corprus stalker

3x dremora lord

2x hunger


33x greater soul gem - 9x ancestor ghost

6x bonelord

3x ogrim

3x ash zombie

4x clannfear

1x greater bonewalker

2x corprus stalker

1x diseased rat

1x frost atronach

1x lame corprus

2x scamp


13x common soul gem - 8x ancestor ghost

2x ash zombie

1x scamp

1x bonelord

1x flame atronach


28x lesser soul gem - 5x diseased rat

3x blighted rat

1x shalk

5x rat

1x kwama foragger

1x kwama warrior

1x hunger

2x diseased alit

1x alit

1x blighted alit

2x mudcrab

1x diseased shalk

1x blighted kagouti

2x cliff racer

1x diseased cliff racer


44x petty soul gem - 11x cliff racer

6x rat

3x blighted game rat

3x game rat

4x diseased cliff racer

2x blighted cliff racer

2x diseased scrib

3x scrib

1x mudcrab

1x blighted rat

1x kwama foragger

1x diseased alit

1x diseased kagouti

2x kagouti

1x shalk

1x bigjhted nix-hound

1x skeleton warrior







59x raw glass



68x daedra's heart

258x moon sugar

322x dwemer coins



1x boots of blinding speed - with fortify speed 200pts and blind 100% on self(CONSTANT EFFECT)



467x iron arrow



1x lugrubs's axe

1x racerbeak - with 3-8pts poison and 10% weakness to poison for 2 secs(on strike)

1x silver shortsword

1x wind of ahaz - with chameleon 5% for 10 secs and blind 10% for 10secs(on strike)



4x scrap metal

9x Grandmaster's armorer's hammer


SACK(under top pile of 3):-

67x lockpick:-

3x grandmaster's lockpick

10x master's lockpick

29x apprentice's lockpick

26x journeyman's lockpick


56x probe:-

2x grandmaster's probe

11x master's probe

24x apprentice's probe

24x journeyman's probe



7x cruel flame bolt - with 3-7pts fire damage(on strike)

19x cruel spark bolt - with 3-7pts shock damage(on strike)

112x iron bolt

160x silver bolt

90x steel bolt



8x exquisite amulet

1x exquisite skirt

6x exquisite ring

1x exquisite shirt

6x exquisite robe

2x exquisite belt

4x exquisite shoes

1x brocade shirt

1x hlervu locket



3x steel crossbow

1x dwemer crossbow

1x steel longbow

1x short bow

2x chitin short bow

2x longbow

1x daedric longbow

1x bonemold longbow

1x ebony longbow (AURIEL'S BOW)



30x arrow of wasting flame - with weakness to fire 10% for 5secs and fire damage 1-4pts(on strike)

39x arrow of wasting shard - with weakness to shock 10% for 5 secs and shock damage 1-4pts(on strike)

45x arrow of wasting shock - with weakness to shock 10% for 5 secs and shock damage 1-4pts(on strike)

60x fire arrow - with fire damage 1-4pts (on strike)

91x cruel spark arrow - with shock damage 1-4 pts(on strike)

30x dire spak arrow - with shock damage 3-7pts(on strike)

109x steel arrow

170x bonemold arrow

80x glass arrow

80x ebony arrow

4x daedric arrow



708x chitin arrows



95x chitin throwing star

35x cruel shardstar - with frost damage 3-7pts (on strike)

80x steel throwing star

7x ebony throwing star

70x iron throwing knife

243x steel throwing knife

3x glass throwing knife

157x steel throwing dart

135x silver throwing dart

16x ebony throwing dart

2x daedric throwing dart



75x various keys including all tel fyr keys




7x indoril cuirass


1x sixth house bell hammer

1x orcish battle axe

1x orc war hammer

3x indoril boots

1x orcish cuirass

1x orcish right bracer

1x orcish left bracer

1x orcish greaves

1x deugh helm

1x deugh shield



the bonebitter bow - with damage agility20pts on target(cast)

erud-dan's spear - with 5-11pts poison (on strike)

2x staff of war - with 5-11pts fire,shock and frost damage(on strike)

silver staff of reckoning - with paralize for 5secs,drain speed 1-10pts for 10 secs and absorb willpower 4-8pts for 5secs (on strike)

and last but not least the spear of bitter mercy - with reflect 20-30 for 30 secs and summon frost atronach for 30secs(cast)the only spear capable of causong 60 damage in one stab!!


inside the other crates there are various bonemold pieces and artifacts one of which has a 10pt shield constantly..


the bonemold armor however if you should need it is upstairs in the razor hole shop where there are between 4 and 7 full suits that i have dispalayed on the shelves.





5x dwarven mace

1x dwarven mace - ANE TERIA'S MACE - with damage speed 5 -12pts and damage agility 5-12pts(on strike)

3x dwarven spear

1x dwarven spear - ILLKUROK - with fortify spear 10pts and night eye 15pts on self(CONSTANT EFFECT)

3x dwarven halberd

2x dwarven warhammer

2x dwarven battle axe

1x dwarven battle axe - BATTLE AXE OF WOUNDS - with drain health 1-10pts for 30 secs(on strike)

1x dwarven battle axe - DWEMER PNEUMA-TRAP - with soultrap for 30 secs(on strike)

2x dwarven war axe

1x dwarven staff - STAFF OF MAGNUS - with spell absorption 25-50pts for 60secs and restore health 1pt for 60 secs(cast)

3x dwarven shortsword

2x dwarven shortsword - DWEMER JINKSWORD - with paralize for 10 secs (on stirke)

3x dwarven claymore

1x dwarven long sword - foeburner

2x dwemer greaves

2x dwemer cuirass

3x dwemer right bracer

1x dwemer left bracer

1x dwemer right pauldron

1x dwemer left pauldron

1x dwemer shield

1x dwemer shield - SHADOW SHIELD - with invisibility for 20secs on and restore fatigue 5pts for 20secs on self(cast)

3x dwemer boots

1x dwemer boots - DWEMER BOOTS OF FLYING - with levitate 1-100pts for 10 secs on self(cast)

1x dwemer helm - HELM OF WOUNDING - with drain health 1-10pts on target(cast)

1x gothren's cephalopod helm - with bound helm 120sec and summon dremora 120secs on self(cast)

1x lords mail - with cure poison on self and resist magicka 20-30% for 30 secs on self(cast)

1x treboniu's staff - withweaknes to fire and shock 7-15pts for 6 secs in 5ft and fire and shock damage 7-15 pts in 5ft(on strike)




Daedric long bow - with fortify marksman 10pts - constant effect (bound)

24x silver arrow

bonedancer gauntlet - with 10 pts shield - constant effect

pants of kackapoopoo - with bound longbow,bound helm,bound battle axe - constant effect

wraithguard - with -shield on self,resist blight disease 50%on self,resist shock10%,fire 10%,frost 10%,magicka 10%and poison 10% - constant effect

exquisite shirt - with 100pts open lock on target - cast

cuirass of the savior's hide - with resist magicka 60 % on self - constant effect

warriors ring - with fortify strength 24pts - constant effect

warriors second ring - with fortify strength 24pts - constant effect

daedric helm - with fortify light,heavy,medium and unarmored 5pts - constant effect (bound)

ace of spades(robe) - with fortify luck 100pts on self for 3secs - cast

necromancer's amulet - with resist normal weapons 25%,fortify inteligence 25pts,retsore health 1pt,spell absorption 25pts - constant effect





falasmaryon propylon index

falensarano propylon index

hlormaren propylon index

marandus propylon index

skeleton key

dwemer scarab plans

dwemer scarab schematics




amulet of almsivi intervention

amulet of divine intervention

amulet of mark

amulet of recall

amulet of levitate - levitate 10pts for 30 secs

marara's ring - reflect20%,fortify acrobatics 10pts,resist normal weapons 40% - constant effect

moon and star - fortify personality and speachcraft 5pts - constant effect

exquisite amulet - charm 50 pts -on touch

ring of sanguine fluid evasion-fortify unarmoured 5pts - constant effect

ring of sanguine golden wisdom - fortify alteration 5pts - constant effect

ring of sanguine green wisdom - fortify restoration 5pts - constant effect

ring of sanguine red wisdom - fortify destruction 5pts -constant effect

ring of sanguine silver wisdom - illusion 5pts -constant effect

ring of sanguine transcendence - fortify conjuration 5pts - constant effect

ring of sanguine transfiguring - fortify enchant 5pts -constant effect

sheogorath's signet ring - drain willpower 10pts,fortify personality 10pts - constant effect

surefeet - fortify acrobatics 3pts,fortify acrobatics 3pts -constant effect

teeth of the urshilaku - resist paralysis 10% on self - constant effect

the seizing of the erabeniumsun - telekinesis 50ft for 30 secs - cast

belt of hortator - fortify magicka 20 pts on self - constant effect

thong of zainab - detect animal150ft for 5 secs - cast

madstone of the ahemmusa - sound 50pts for 20secs on touch - cast

amulet of shades - summon bone walker for 60 secs on self - cast

aryon's dominator - command creature and humanoid level 15 for 120secs on target - cast

aryon's helper - summon flame atronach for 120,frost atronach for 90secs and stone atronach for 60secs on self - cast

vampiric ring - absorb health and fatigue 20pts for 30 secs - cast

warden's ring - dispel 50-100% on target - cast

warlock's ring - reflect 10-20% for 30secs and fortify speed 10-20 pts for 30secs - cast

amulet of unity fortify inteligence and willpower 10pts for 120 secs & fortify alteration,conjuation,destruction,illusion,mysticism and restoration 5pts for 120secs - cast

ring of equity - spell absorption 100pts for 30 secs and reflect 70% for 30secs - cast




i have almost every single spell in the game.

including:all of the bound spells

all absorb spells

all fortify atribute spells

all elemental damage spells

all ilusion spells

all mysticism spells

all summon spells


Natural abilities are:

ancestor guardian - sanctuary 50 pts for 60 secs

moon shadow - invisble 60 secs


For gulids and side quests the ranks are....

arch-mage - mages guild (complete)

master - fighters guild (complete eccept for some side quests in ald-runn)

ringleader - thieves guild (hieves guild leaders are dead due to fighters guild quest but complete)

associate - morag tong

hearthfriend - ashlanders (now on task 6 of 7)

operative - blades (complete as far as i know and im now with the ashlanders)

trooper - imperial legion

layman temple - layman

great house telvanni - archmagister (100% complete including side quests)


Ater completeing the quests for house telvanni i acuired a telvanni stronghold on uviriths grave and i also stole the hlaalu stronghold at odai plateau and the redoran one at bal isra....also i control the dren plantation,tel fyr tower and the pawnbrokers in suran and caldera.



im realy realy realy rich!!!!!!!!!!

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I collect crab meat. (250)


I have like 50 keys, and lots of axes exen though I can't use them well.


I died at lv13 when fighting a kwama forager.


I have covered all of nerano manor in balmora with pillows.


I killed everyone on the streets in balmora with a crossbow at lv5 without cheating.


I have played for like 100+ hours and still can't get past the second main quest from Caius.


I once took every single ingredient I had and made like 15000 gold in 1\2 hour.


Aren't I great?

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  • 2 months later...
I -holy crap, thats the third time ive capitalized a sentence- am master thief of thieves guild, arch mage of mages guild, arch magister of telvanni THEY KICK ASS, patriarch of the temple, and grandmaster of house hlaau (yes i know thats not possible being leader of two houses-glitch in the game-join a house and then do the hortator quest but dont kill Orvas Dren, then go to the Duke who thanks you for not killing him and makes you grandmaster of house hlaau) i also made my own mod with a robe with 4 billion feather on it. I have over 2 billion pounds in my inventory (I dont suggest anybody do what i did, it takes 3 minutes for my inventory to load-really im not joking)
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Well, i collect lights, lights lights lights!!!!!!!!! I have made a lighthouse out of groshagroba's house (the old orc woman in caldera). At this point i have not counted them but i feel fairly sure that there are no lights that are not nailed down or cannot be picked up that i dont have. I make it a job for every character I make to have a mark or distinguishing quality. Such as my other character was the notorius pillow bandit. Though he actually never stole them, he just made them crooked HAHA!!!!!!!!! THEY WILL ALL WAKE UP WITH CRAMPS! Other than that i do collect skulls, I have *takes out a calculator* hmmmmmm *clicking typeing noises* there we go, I have 29 slave skulls and 53 normal skulls, and the lighthouse is littered with them... Ok fine I'm obsessive. I also like getting all the deadric helms and enchanting them to be moe larry and curly, and i did the marks brothers with ordinator helms! :bleh: :lol:
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