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What I'm saying is, they aren't the same person. For starters, the alleged post where he said this is non-existent in the link you provided. And the vast majority of your argument was "Choas can't exist without order, and in this statue there's a snake, and in this one there's a snake, ergo same person" It's never directly stated that they are the same person, but commonly thought of by people of Tamriel as two people. Additionally Lorkhan is pretty much universally disliked by the Altmer, because he is the one responsible for breaking their connection to the spirit plane. Lorkhan was also KILLED after the world materialized. Some argue that he was separated from the Heart of Lorkhan, making him not dead, but that was essentially DESTROYED by the Neveravine. Akatosh on the other hand was formed when the world materialized. Now it's easy to jump up and say "Well then that means Lorkhan took on the new form of Akatosh" And no. No he didn't. Akatosh and the other 7 divines gave themselves entirely to the creation of Mundus. They became planets. The divines are other planets. (Kinda like the Whole Neptune, Pluto, Mars jazz in Roman mythology). Because Lorkhan deceived the et'Ada into doing this (the Aedra) and not the et'Ada aligned with Padomay, (The Deadra) they Aedra met at the Adamantine Tower to discuss Lorkhan's punishment. His punishment was to have his heart removed, which was then Cast to Nirn, forming the Red Mountain.




Now... Tell me WHY exactly Akostosh would not only be in two places at once, but agree to have his own heart ripped out and have somehow tricked himself into becoming a planet? :armscrossed:

Edited by Promiser
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