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Weird combat anymation with bow


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Well, the topic says it pretty well..

I don't know when this first occured and how it did but I can tell you that I have tried everything to fix it.

I disabled mods that would/could have caused this, then I disabled all the mods.

Then I did a clean install of Skyrim again, tried.. Nope, still not any difference. I decided to install all the mods again and see if anything was faulty and might fix it. Didn't work.

I've been lurking throught these forums, trying to find something similar or the same problem for about 2 hours but I couldn't find anything. And since it doesn't seem to be a mod related problem I thought I'd just start a thread and ask you guys.

Cause it really just looks like my character has become a snake.


Here's a nice pic: http://i.imgur.com/ntHnq.jpg

The actual angle is around 85° in 1st person, using the body line as a reference. But you can clearly see she's not at 85° with the bow, lol.

The best part is that it is also f***ed up in 1st person, the view is right but the animation is somehow f***ed, since it seems to be the whole model, as if my character would have a broken spine, or a very flexible one, since she can also do a 360° "bow"..

It wouldn't piss be so off if the arrows would come out right, because it looks hilarious. But they have a weird starting position, as you could tell. So they are not accurate anymore, which forces me to not use the bow anymore. It saddens me because I love using the bow. ._.


So, thanks for the fish and hopefully somebody already encountered something such weird as me and can help. ^_^


Alright, I've made a new save to check if the cause is somewhere in the savefile, but no. The same happens with a brand new character.

Edit: Seems that I was wrong. I've made another new save, just for the sake of hope and it's working again. So it must be the savefile. Something went really wrong with my characters physics sometime, maybe when I died or something.

It seems that the only way of getting rid of this is going for a new game. If anyone has another idea you can post it, since it's not really fixed.


Edited by Jellicent
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  • 4 weeks later...



I found a fix to it. I just went to galathil and paid her to change my appearance...dont have to change anything, just click done and youre back to normal. if you wanna change anything i dont see why it wont fix the problem either anyway. so there you go! worked for me, hope it does for you.

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  • 8 months later...



I found a fix to it. I just went to galathil and paid her to change my appearance...dont have to change anything, just click done and youre back to normal. if you wanna change anything i dont see why it wont fix the problem either anyway. so there you go! worked for me, hope it does for you.


Thanks. It worked.

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  • 11 months later...

I had the exact same issue - if I aimed up, my upper body (including the bow) would bend over and backwards, and a similar thing occured when I aimed down. However, you don't have to travel to Galathil - just opening the race menu (showracemenu in the console) works fine.

Just in case anyone has the same problem and is looking for an easy solution.

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  • 11 months later...

I had the exact same issue - if I aimed up, my upper body (including the bow) would bend over and backwards, and a similar thing occured when I aimed down. However, you don't have to travel to Galathil - just opening the race menu (showracemenu in the console) works fine.

Just in case anyone has the same problem and is looking for an easy solution.


Yes totally worked! Thanks so much!

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  • 4 months later...

I have had the same issue. I found the fix out myself when I read somewhere that changing you character weight often results in glitches.

After changing the weight back to the initially chosen weight from the very beginning of the game, it was fixed.

This bug occurs if you change your weight through the console command "player.showracemenu" BUT ALSO if you change your weight through the game's own introduced character makeover npc in the Ratway!


Conclusion, NEVER change your character's weight after the beginning of the game.

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