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More "normal" clothes for skyrim's people!

Lilim ViperaVenata

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I hope nobody else has starten a topic like this before, but I didn't find any when looking for.


But back to topic:


I think there are way too few variations of clothing in Skyrim. Yes, there are hundreds of mods for armor and clothing at Nexus, but on the one hand, most aren't anything near lore-friendly, on the other hand, they're mostly just for the player and it's fellows.

My wish would be a set of new clothes, for example medieval gowns, as addition for the normal clothes ingame. So that those new ones would be worn by "normal people" too.

They wouldn't have to be strictly lore-friendly, but it would be kinda weird, if Anneke Crag-Jumper came across suddenly in a baby-doll-outfit... ^^'


Unfortunately I have absolutely NO clue, how to do this, so I just present this idea to you, fellow genius-modders of Skyrim-Nexus! ^^


Oh, and I asked Dr Google for some examples, I hope I didn't get any duplicates or else...



Some examples:


Medieval Narcissim 5

















here are many different:



I hope someone likes this idea and those kinds of clothes while having good creating-skills ^^ Oh, and I don't mean that every single one has to be done, just some, so people in Skyrim have more possibilities to wear nice things...

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I am interested in the idea, but from my admittedly limited knowledge I think it would be more labor-intensive than it seems. NPC clothes and equipment aren't determined determined randomly from lists (well, except for the spawned ones like bandits, but named ones, anyway), they're individually assigned. Giving new clothes to NPCs would mean either wholly replacing a variant of clothing with something else, which wouldn't really increase the variety, it would just paint everyone who was wearing, say, Clothes A, with the new replacement for Clothes A - or it would mean going in and reassigning the new clothes to NPCs by hand. (Which is why armor mods and the like don't normally affect NPCs either, I would imagine. You have to edit the NPCs for them to wear them.)
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