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Search and Seizure for Good Guys


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In Markarth, the Thalmor Justiciar, Ondolemar, will give you the Miscellaneous Quest known as Search and Seizure. This quest entails you breaking into Ogmund's home and steal his Amulet of Talos, and handing it in to Ondolemar. This will end with Ogmund in jail (well, if you have the Un-Official Patch) as well as lowering your disposition with him. However, according to USEP: "An option to bring the amulet to Ogmund was apparently planned, and is available in the code, but there is no dialogue that allows for it."

My simple Mod Request is to add this option into the code, so that this may be completed, whether it's for a good guy allignment, or just for completionists. Because, let's be real, no-one (or at least hardly no-one) likes the Thalmor.

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