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Bugged, Getting 20 Attribute Points/Level


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So I was modding Skyrim SE. I would consider myself moderately experienced because I have been using mods for years, and make my own simple mods (editing NPC health, weapon damage, spells etc) Anyway, I have a very odd issue. I am getting 20 attribute points per level (health stamina, magica) instead of 10. Even if I set a different number in SkyTweek, it is still 20, and then its set to 20 in SkyTweek. I tried disabling all mods, and its STILL 20 attribute points per level. What the hell can be causing this? My last few mod download couldn't have done it... they were a follower mod, a weapon mod and no combat music... Everything was working fine and then didn't. I assumed the only possible culprit was SkyTweek bugging out but I removed it and it was still bugged. Could https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15746/ be the culprit? I don't see how, I disabled it and I inspected it with xEdit.

After disabling ALL mods minus live another life and making a new character, I still get 20 a level. I assume in that case it must be some script or something?

Any idea as to what could be the issue here?

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That is controlled by a GameSetting: iAVDhmsLevelUp

You can do a quick check to see if anything is directly setting it to 20 by loading all plugins in SSEEdit and finding it in Skyrim.esm to see if there is a direct conflict, but this doesn't seem to be the problem since you disabled all mods and made a new character. Some script is likely setting it via SKSE, which would narrow it down to mods using SKSE scripts. If it is a script, you can download a string search utility for Windows that will process a folder hierarchy and look in binary files like (pex) for Strings. That would definitely find it. I can see it in the grimymenumain.pex file when I open it in notepad++. You just need to see if it's referenced anywhere else.

Edited by blitzen
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  • 1 year later...

I'm having the same issue, except more strange. I have no mods that alter iAVDhmsLevelUp (checked with SSE Edit) as far I know, and I've never had this happen before. Every game I start, the attribute points are randomized. Sometimes I get 10 stat points, and then 5 carry weight whenever I level up. Sometimes I get 20 points and no carry weight. It's driving me crazy trying to figure out what is happened.


I've checked all the .pex files and didn't show any iAVDhmsLevelUp in them. I'm assuming it's one of those dll mods that I can't check. :/

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