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Summonable Xivilai


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I'd like a summonable Xivilai to accompany my mage character.


I figure the sounds from the in game dremora would work alright, and the bodies could be re-sized, horned, and clothed? Maybe even the AI package from the dremora?


It would be nice to include their 33% resist fire/ 20% weakness to shock/33-50% Spell Absorption/Stunted Magicka if possible. I don't know how much work the addition of the uses-two handed-weapons-with-one-hand would be or the summoning of Clannfears and I honestly wouldn't need it to complete the experience, though a perfectionist might.


I'd like a reasonable summoning time, like the 60 seconds of the other summons.The Xivilai could also be a companion, if you preferred. Honestly how you implement it is entirely up to you.


Anyway the information for the Xivilai that were in Oblivion here.


If you happen to make this, thank you! If not, thanks for reading anyway!

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