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How to Use a Python Script that Removes Normal Mapping?

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I am trying to install Morrowind mods for OpenMW, but normal mapping has to be removed from meshes in OpenMW, and some mods have 50+ meshes.

There is a Python script to automate the editing here:



However, I have no idea how to use it.

I installed Python and set the path for it.

I installed PyFFI.

Then I used the command prompt to go to where the mod folder is and used this command:

python fix_nif.py '.*_nm\.dds'

However, it did nothing.


Then I added to that with:



However, that just caused the command prompt to show:

"usage: fix_nif.py [-h] [--dryrun] dir"

"fix_nif.py: error: unrecognized arguments: C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\ModFolder"


I also used the script from here:



Using it like this:

python tweak_to_script_to_strip_normal_detail_maps_from_nif_files.py --regex '.*_nm\.dds' ModFolder

Causes it to run, but then it gives the error:

"struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 2 bytes"
"Error reading file unpack requires a buffer of 2 bytes"


Could someone help me with this please?

Edited by GeminiContractor
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