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SENSORS IMPAIRED (and all other effects) stacking math.


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  "NumSensorLockImpairedEffects": 2,
  "SensorsImpairedEffect": {
    "durationData": {
   "duration": 1,
   "ticksOnActivations": true,
   "useActivationsOfTarget": true,
   "stackLimit": 1
    "targetingData": {
   "effectTargetType": "SingleTarget",
   "showInTargetPreview": true,
   "showInStatusPanel": true
    "effectType": "StatisticEffect",
    "Description": {
   "Id": "AbilityDefPPC",
   "Details": "[AMT] Difficulty to all of this unit's attacks until its next activation.",
   "Icon": "uixSvgIcon_status_sensorsImpaired"
    "nature": "Debuff",
    "statisticData": {
   "statName": "AccuracyModifier",
   "operation": "Float_Add",
   "modValue": "1.5",
   "modType": "System.Single"




Does anyone know the exact mechanics of effects in the game? I mean "stackLimit" can be -1 0 1 2 ...
0 means one possible modifier+"modValue" operation? All PPC effects stackLimit=0. But SensorLock has 1...
And 1 means one operation now and the next one on the next tick (turn)? Or twice on this turn? Or it is possible only when "stackLimit"=2?
And what about -1? And if "duration"= 2 and the next PPC hit happens on the next turn - this means debuff doubling or simple substitution (when exactly 1 copy of effect ends)?

Also "ticksOnActivations": false makes effect internal or not?

And what about "AccuracyModifier" 1.0 means -5% or 1.0 / "ToHitModifierDivisor" = 1.0/10 = 0.1 = 10% ???


And "NumSensorLockImpairedEffects" or "NumSensorLockSteps" are "not about" stacking?


If you still trying to read this :smile: please say what you know, I need some help...

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