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Brilliant Overhaul Mod Proposal


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I've recently had what I think is a good idea for an ambitious mod, though im not a modder myself so I just thought id put it out there and hope the right people see it and like it.

The mod is basically an extremely detailed 'civilised wasteland overhaul',though it sounds boring when put like that there is a storyline too it which I will explain later.

The idea is that a large faction (I was thinking a reorganised enclave would work best as they have the will and the technology, Mr house's only interest seems to be NV, the NCR don't have the technology or resources and are spread thin and the legion would force everyone into slavery) would finally take full control of the Mojave and begin a serious effort to rebuild.


It would have extreme attention to detail (which I'll get more into later) so it feels like civilisation is really being rebuilt while still retaining a rustic feel.


I was thinking it could incorporate many other mods (if possible) such as xre cars, enclave commander, NV and freeside reloaded (and other such mods), even smaller mods like NHP police uniforms (ill explain where this might come in later) and many others too.


Basic story: (the mod would ideally require you start a new game) The potential story I've come up with so far is that for years the Enclave under new less genocidal leadership (which has secret hideouts that we simply never knew about) has had sleeper agents (you are one of these) all over NV and the Mojave gathering information which is used to devise a plan for an eventual resurgence, the Enclave decide to take advantage of the NCR-Legion conflict and the NCR's overstretched forces to make a comeback and start small by setting up outposts.

Then they announce their return in a loud fashion by retaking Quarry junction (for the resources) from the deathclaws (obviously the player will be given weapons and armour for this as well as plenty of backup) and forcing the Sloan workers to become Enclave subjects, they then take black mountain and turn it into their own radio broadcasting station.

They then embark on a quick military campaign to kick both the NCR and Legion out of the state and proclaiming a new capitol in NV.

following this plot the Enclave push the NCR and legion back into their own turf which they quickly invade winning quick victories because of their air and technological advantages (that could be an addon storyline).

However the plot directly following the initial campaigns would be first rebuilding NV and expanding outwards into the desert. This will be a series of quests completed for pest exterminators, construction companies (the quests for this would mainly be gathering materials etc), hospitals, police forces, the new government and other such organisations which will all be setup following the Enclaves proclamation of power.

Now I've explained the barebones of the story, lets move onto the attention to detail previously mentioned.


After the Enclave secure the Mojave and start too rebuild the infrastructure, you will start to see lots of random encounters and new content relating to this, such as construction workers repairing roads/buildings (obviously they cant actively do that, builders and machinery will simply spawn in places like destroyed streets/stretches of highway and when you return they will be replaced) people removing radioactive waste/materials, Enclave pest removal specialists clearing out nests of creatures, police pull overs, virtibirds flying, police/military patrols, authorities fighting bandits/creatures, civilians will start to dress in more of a pre war manner, towns will become populated again, roadside diners and pit stops will appear and rubble will disappear and many others that I might think of.


there will be side quests where you can join the police/state troopers or other such organisations.

Perhaps McCaren airport could retain its pre-war role, though I understand it wouldn't make much sense as there's nowhere for the planes to travel too, I just think it would be cool to see camp McCaren as an airport again


Things will generally start to become once again civilised while still retaining a sort of post apocalyptic/rustic look.

But for those who still want an authentic fallout experience there will be a new stretch of map where both creatures and criminals have migrated to in order too avoid civilisation and retain their wasteland lifestyles.


I understand this is quite an ambitious proposal and as I am not a Modder myself I do not know the extent to which it is possible so please don't hesitate to tell me what you think or share this idea with people who might be interested, I think if this can be done it can really be something unique and bring people back to the game.

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