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The Drunk Factor


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Ok, awhile ago I was testing a mod not related to alcohol when an odd bug occured. A follower got out of a carriage and began drinking and staggering. It continued to loop and I eventually had to load an older game to get her to stop.

My question is, where does this animation come from? I would like to get it.

I don't believe it is from the 'get drunk' mod since that doesn't effect NPC's and I believe the animation is different. Puppet Master also has a drunk animation which is not the one I witnessed. Can anyone drop me a clue, please?

Thank you.

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That strange swaying animation was added by update 1.6 or 1.7 to the vanilla follower alias (the alias bit is an assumption on my part, based on the fact that NPCs using the vanilla follower system are the only ones who demonstrate this behaviour). I really don't know why it was added - it may have something to do with the consumption of alcohol, but I don't believe that's the case. I've seen followers with more or less empty inventories walking like that in the middle of the wilderness.
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Ok, thank you very much for the replies. I actually just installed LIAT a couple days ago but haven't really had a chance to test it yet.

So, as it stands there is no staggering animation mod or anything that I can just apply to my own character?

I really wanted that effect for some screen shots for a short story I'm working on. Hmmm.

Anyway, thanks again.

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