Cipscis Posted September 10, 2012 Share Posted September 10, 2012 There seems to be a bit of misunderstanding in this thread, so hopefully I can clear it up in this post. The special variable "Self" refers to the object to which the script is attached, not the script itself. The confusion here arouses, I suspect, due to the fact that "Self" refers to the object cast to the type defined by the script. Every Papyrus script is essentially a type definition. For example, Actor.psc defines the type "Actor". If I write a script called "MyActorScript" that extends "Actor", then I'm essentially defining a type called "MyActorScript", and every Actor to which MyActorScript attached will be an object of type MyActorScript. GetBaseObject returns the base object (of type Form) of the object on which it is called. If it's called without explicitly specifying the object on which it should be called, then it is called on "Self". In this case, that means the scripted object as the type you're defining in your script. As your script extends ObjectReference, it also inherits all of ObjectReference's functions, including GetBaseObject. The difficulty you're facing is likely due to issues with inventory items. I can't remember when it will and won't work, but I think creating the item outside of an inventory then adding it to an inventory will cause it to act appropriately, whereas creating an item inside an inventory may cause issues. This isn't something I've had to deal with very much, though, so I can't tell you off the top of my head how to solve your problem. Hopefully I've at least clarified what's going on here a bit for you though. Cipscis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jshepler Posted September 10, 2012 Share Posted September 10, 2012 I just read something that might shed some light... From In the notes section, the first note, "Once an object has been added to a container it is no longer valid to call member functions on it. Member functions on akItemReference (which is often None) will most likely fail to run with an error." This seems to be saying that the functions in scripts attached to objects in a container cannot be called from "external" scripts - those not attached to that object. e.g. A script attached to a player cannot call a function of a script attached to the armor he's wearing. Am I reading that right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tnt90 Posted September 10, 2012 Author Share Posted September 10, 2012 Yeah I figured that's what's happening. ... which would be why GetBaseObject isn't working when its in an inventory. Cipscis, am I understanding correctly then that self should return the armor the script is attached to without any other calling needed to be made? And if so, since no other callings need to be made then it should return the armor if it is in or out of an inventory.Hmmm, let me try this real quick before I head to work.. Strange, it now works when dropping or picking it up from the ground but not when taking it from an actor or adding via console/forge. But we're closer! I think I understand what is going on now, self gets set when its out of an inventory so then it'll work, but until then it doesn't know what itself even is.So for it to work you'd need to drop every armor before using it.I think the next step is to see the processing order of OnContainerChange and OnItemAdded. If OnItemAdded runs first I can just take the object that returns and use that for the OnContainerChange event, if not, then is there perhaps a command to have a script wait a bit then finish processing? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tnt90 Posted September 11, 2012 Author Share Posted September 11, 2012 I do believe I've solved it. My test cases have all worked as intended. Here's what I did: I added on a OnItemAdded event to my player reference alias script and an array of forms onto my quest updater script along with some of Chesko's array functions. That new event adds the added form to the form array if it has one of the 5 armor type keywords. The OnContainerChange event now has a wait added in to make sure the new event runs and adds the form to the array then the OCC event takes the first form from the array and removes it as well as sorting everything down. This should hopefully make adding armors in quick succession still work. If anyone wants to see the new modified code, let me know, I'll stick in another spoiler tag. Thanks to everyone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jshepler Posted September 11, 2012 Share Posted September 11, 2012 I've been thinking of a better way to get your armor script onto armors without having to manually attach them in CK. First of all, holy crap the truckload of armor objects to edit and attach a script to... But mostly because I think it would conflict with any other mod that also directly alters vanilla armor objects. Plus any mod that adds new armors wouldn't benefit from your mod. Lastly, you had mentioned before about it not working on pre-existing armors. Presumably because scripts directly attached to base objects (forms) are only added to instances at creation. Since they didn't have the script when the game was saved, they're not going to get the new script when savegame is loaded. By dynamically attaching the script as needed, all those issues aren't issues. So far, the only way I've seen to do this is by attaching a ReferenceAlias script to a reference alias and then setting the target of the alias at runtime using ForceRefTo which effectively attaches that ReferenceAlias script to the ObjectReference. Anyways, just some thoughts I had. Not sure if anything would pan out from it. I'd like to see your modified code, if you wouldn't mind. Reading other people's code helps me learn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tnt90 Posted September 11, 2012 Author Share Posted September 11, 2012 (edited) Oh I'd love to be able to dynamically attach these, but I haven't really looked into it too much. I'll have to take a look at how that function is used. If I say call that when I add in an armor and change to alias to work on that added armor (lets say a hide cuirass), if I then add in another armor (hide boots), will the alias be removed from the cuirass? The whole reason I'm putting a script on each armor is so that they can store their independent durability HP. Otherwise you could just drop it and pick it back up to reset the HP or something along that line. Code for Armor (still working on a good wait time, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't)Scriptname TNTArmorGeneric extends ObjectReference TNTUpdaterScript Property HitQuest auto float LocalHP float LocalHPMax bool DoOnce Actor rplayer bool CanWear Form ArmorForm Event Oninit() EndEvent Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) rplayer = Game.GetPlayer() Utility.Wait(0.25) if HitQuest.incomingarmorarray[0] != None ArmorForm = HitQuest.incomingarmorarray[0] ;Debug.Notification("This ArmorFomr is: " + ArmorForm) HitQuest.ArrayRemoveForm(HitQuest.incomingarmorarray, HitQuest.incomingarmorarray[0], true) else Debug.Notification("The array didn't have enough time or something") endif if DoOnce == false && akNewContainer As Actor == rplayer DoOnce = true LocalHPMax = HitQuest.GetMaxArmorHealth(ArmorForm as Armor) if akOldContainer.GetType() == 43 ;Debug.Notification("This should be a NPC") DeadCheck( akOldContainer) elseif akOldContainer.GetType() == 44 ;Debug.Notification("This should be a leveled actor") DeadCheck( akOldContainer) elseif akOldContainer.GetType() == 62 ;Debug.Notification("This should be a character") DeadCheck( akOldContainer) else RollHealth() endif if CanWear == false && akNewContainer As Actor == rplayer Debug.Notification("This armor is the wrong gender or size") LocalHP = -1 endif endif EndEvent Function SexCheck(objectreference akOldContainer) if (akOldContainer As Actor).GetActorBase().GetSex() == 1 || (akOldContainer As Actor).GetLeveledActorBase().GetSex() == 1 || ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") == 1 ;Debug.Notification("This actor is female or this is a shield") CanWear = true LocalHP = (LocalHPMax * Utility.RandomFloat(0, 0.6)) else ;Debug.Notification("This actor is not female") CanWear = false endif EndFunction Function DeadCheck(objectreference akOldContainer) if (akOldContainer As Actor).IsDead() SexCheck( akOldContainer) else RollHealth() endif EndFunction Function RollHealth() if Utility.RandomInt(1,2) == 1 || ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") == 1 CanWear = true LocalHP = (LocalHPMax * Utility.RandomFloat(0, 1.0)) else CanWear = false endif EndFunction Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) if akActor == rplayer SetHP() endif EndEvent Function SetHP() if ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") ;Debug.Notification("Helmet") HitQuest.HHealth = LocalHP elseif ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") ;Debug.Notification("Cuirass") HitQuest.CHealth = LocalHP elseif ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") ;Debug.Notification("Boots") HitQuest.BHealth = LocalHP elseif ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") ;Debug.Notification("Gauntlets") HitQuest.GHealth = LocalHP elseif ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") ;Debug.Notification("Shield") HitQuest.SHealth = LocalHP else Debug.Notification("ThisArmor did not match any of the armor keywords") endif EndFunction Float Function GetHP() if ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") Return HitQuest.HHealth elseif ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") Return HitQuest.CHealth elseif ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") Return HitQuest.BHealth elseif ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") Return HitQuest.GHealth elseif ArmorForm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") Return HitQuest.SHealth endif EndFunction Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor) if akActor == rplayer LocalHP = GetHP() endif EndEvent Code for Reference Alias on playerScriptname TNTHitDetectorScript extends ReferenceAlias Import Game Import Debug TNTUpdaterScript Property HitQuest auto Faction property CreatureFaction Auto Message property DebugMessage Auto MagicEffect property Fire Auto MagicEffect property Frost Auto MagicEffect property Shock Auto float HealthLost float damratio actor rplayer int HelmE int GloveE int BootE int ShieldE int CuirassE float diceroll Event OnHit(ObjectReference Aggressor, Form Source, Projectile FlyingDeadlyThing, bool PowerAttack, bool SneakAttack, bool BashAttack, bool Blocked) rplayer = GetPlayer() if (Aggressor As Actor).GetequippedItemType(0) == 0 && ((Aggressor as Actor).GetEquippedItemType(1) == 0) if ((Aggressor as Actor).IsInFaction(CreatureFaction)) || ((Aggressor as Actor).GetActorBase()) == False if HitQuest.IsWearingArmor() == 1 ShowArmorPtsLost(Blocked) endif else ;brawling endif else if HitQuest.IsWearingArmor() == 1 ShowArmorPtsLost(Blocked) endif endif EndEvent Function NAssigner() if HitQuest.WearHelmet() && HitQuest.HHealth > 0 HelmE = 1 else HelmE = 0 endif if HitQuest.WearBoots() && HitQuest.BHealth > 0 BootE = 1 + HelmE else BootE = HelmE endif if HitQuest.WearGloves() && HitQuest.GHealth > 0 GloveE = 1 + BootE else GloveE = BootE endif if HitQuest.WearShield() && HitQuest.SHealth > 0 ShieldE = 1 + GloveE else ShieldE = GloveE endif if HitQuest.WearCuirass() && HitQuest.CHealth > 0 CuirassE = 2 + ShieldE else CuirassE = ShieldE endif EndFunction Int Function TotalWear() int total if HitQuest.WearBoots() && HitQuest.BHealth > 0 total += 1 endif if HitQuest.WearGloves() && HitQuest.GHealth > 0 total += 1 endif if HitQuest.WearShield() && HitQuest.SHealth > 0 total += 1 endif if HitQuest.WearHelmet() && HitQuest.HHealth > 0 total += 1 endif if HitQuest.WearCuirass() && HitQuest.CHealth > 0 total += 2 endif return total EndFunction Function WearToHit(float damage) NAssigner() int total = TotalWear() int Random = Utility.RandomInt(1,total) ;DebugMessage.Show(total, Random, HelmE, BootE, GloveE, ShieldE, CuirassE) if Random == HelmE if HitQuest.WearHelmet() HitQuest.HHealth = HitQuest.HHealth - Damage ;debug.Notification("Helmet Damaged: " + Damage) else WearToHit(damage) endif elseif Random == BootE if HitQuest.WearBoots() HitQuest.BHealth = HitQuest.BHealth - Damage ;debug.Notification("Boots Damaged: " + Damage) else WearToHit(damage) endif elseif Random == GloveE if HitQuest.WearGloves() HitQuest.GHealth = HitQuest.GHealth - Damage ;debug.Notification("Gauntlets Damaged: " + Damage) else WearToHit(damage) endif elseif Random == ShieldE if HitQuest.WearShield() HitQuest.SHealth = HitQuest.SHealth - Damage ;debug.Notification("Shield Damaged: " + Damage) else WearToHit(damage) endif elseif Random == CuirassE || Random == CuirassE - 1 if HitQuest.WearCuirass() HitQuest.CHealth = HitQuest.CHealth - Damage ;debug.Notification("Cuirass Damaged: " + Damage) else WearToHit(damage) endif endif EndFunction Bool Function HitByMagics() if rplayer.hasmagiceffect(Fire) || rplayer.hasmagiceffect(Frost) || rplayer.hasmagiceffect(Shock) return true else return false endif EndFunction Function ShowArmorPtsLost(bool Blk) HealthLost = HitQuest.playerhealth - rplayer.getAV("Health") HitQuest.playerhealth = rplayer.getAV("Health") if HealthLost < 0 HealthLost = HealthLost * -1 endif if HitByMagics() == false damratio = HealthLost * 0.3 else damratio = HealthLost * 0.05 endif DiceRoll = Utility.Randomfloat(0, damratio) if DiceRoll > 0.3 if Blk && HitQuest.WearShield() HitQuest.SHealth = HitQuest.SHealth - DiceRoll else WearToHit(DiceRoll) endif endif EndFunction andScriptname TNTItemDetectorScript extends ReferenceAlias TNTUpdaterScript Property HitQuest auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) if akBaseItem.haskeywordstring("ArmorCuirass") || akbaseitem.haskeywordstring("ArmorBoots") || akbaseitem.haskeywordstring("Armorgauntlets") || akbaseitem.haskeywordstring("ArmorHelmet") || akbaseitem.haskeywordstring("ArmorShield") ;Debug.Notification("Armor added to array") HitQuest.ArrayAddForm(HitQuest.incomingarmorarray, akBaseItem) endif EndEventCode for Quest UpdatingScriptname TNTUpdaterScript extends Quest Conditional Import Game Float Property PlayerHealth auto Float property CHealth auto Float Property HHealth auto Float Property BHealth auto Float Property GHealth auto Float Property SHealth auto Message Property HitMessageC auto Message Property HitMessageB auto Message Property HitMessageG auto Message Property HitMessageH auto Message Property HitMessageS auto ObjectReference Property TempCont auto Armor Property AddedArmor auto Spell Property CheckSpell auto Actor rplayer MiscObject Property brokenarmor auto form[] Property incomingarmorarray auto Int FurBase = 40 int HideBase = 30 int IronBase = 50 int LeatherBase = 50 int StuddedBase = 45 int BandedIronBase = 55 int ElvenBase = 60 int SteelBase = 60 int ForSwornBase = 40 int DwarvenBase = 70 int ScaledBase = 55 int GlassBase = 70 int BladesBase = 70 int OrcBase = 80 int EbonyBase = 90 float CuirassMult = 1.00 float HelmMult = 0.50 float BootsMult = 0.50 float GlovesMult = 0.40 float ShieldMult = 0.85 Event OnInit() RegisterforSingleUpdate(0.5) incomingarmorarray = new form[20] EndEvent Event OnUpdate() rplayer = Game.GetPlayer() PlayerHealth = rplayer.getav("health") if rplayer.HasSpell(CheckSpell) == 0 rplayer.addspell(CheckSpell) endif if WearCuirass() == 1 && CHealth <= 0 CHealth = 1 Armor Cuirass = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000004) As Armor DropTHeShit(Cuirass) HitMessageC.Show() endif if WearBoots() == 1 && BHealth <= 0 BHealth = 1 Armor Boots = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000080) As Armor DropTHeShit(Boots) HitMessageB.Show() endif if WearGloves() == 1 && GHealth <= 0 GHealth = 1 Armor Gloves= Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000008) As Armor DropTHeShit(Gloves) HitMessageG.Show() endif if WearHelmet() == 1 && HHealth <= 0 HHealth = 1 Armor Helmet = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000002) As Armor DropTHeShit(Helmet) HitMessageH.Show() endif if WearShield() == 1 && SHealth <= 0 SHealth = 1 Armor Shield = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000200) As Armor DropTHeShit(Shield) HitMessageS.Show() endif RegisterforSingleUPdate(0.5) EndEvent Function DropTheShit(armor item0) rplayer.removeitem(item0, 1, 1) rplayer.additem(brokenarmor, 1, 1) EndFunction Bool Function IsWearingArmor() if WearHelmet() == 1 || WearCuirass() == 1 || WearBoots() == 1 || WearGloves() == 1 || WearShield() == 1 return 1 else return 0 endif EndFunction Bool Function WearCuirass() Armor Cuirass = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000004) As Armor return Cuirass != None EndFunction Bool Function WearHelmet() Armor Helm = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000002) As Armor return Helm != None EndFunction Bool Function WearBoots() Armor Boots = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000080) As Armor return Boots != None EndFunction Bool Function WearGloves() Armor Gloves = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000008) As Armor return Gloves != None EndFunction Bool Function WearShield() Armor Shield = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000200) As Armor return Shield != None EndFunction float Function GetMaxArmorHealth(Armor mArm) if mArm.HasKeyWordString("VendorItemAnimalHide") || mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialImperialLight") || mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialStormcloak") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * FurBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * FurBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * FurBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * FurBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * FurBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialDwarven") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * DwarvenBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * DwarvenBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * DwarvenBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * DwarvenBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * DwarvenBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialDaugr") || mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialIronBanded") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * BandedIronBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * BandedIronBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * BandedIronBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * BandedIronBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * BandedIronBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialElven") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * ElvenBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * ElvenBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * ElvenBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * ElvenBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * ElvenBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialElvenGilded") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * (ElvenBase + 5)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * (ElvenBase + 5)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * (ElvenBase + 5)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * (ElvenBase + 5)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * (ElvenBase + 5)) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialElvenLight") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * (ElvenBase - 5)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * (ElvenBase - 5)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * (ElvenBase - 5)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * (ElvenBase - 5)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * (ElvenBase - 5)) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialSteel") || mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialImperialHeavy") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * SteelBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * SteelBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * SteelBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * SteelBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * SteelBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialIron") ;Debug.Notification("This is an Iron ...") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") ;Debug.Notification("... Cuirass") return (CuirassMult * IronBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") ;Debug.Notification("... Boots") return (BootsMult * IronBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") ;Debug.Notification("... Shield") return (ShieldMult * IronBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") ;Debug.Notification("... Gauntlets") return (GlovesMult * IronBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") ;Debug.Notification("... Helmet") return (HelmMult * IronBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialHide") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * HideBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * HideBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * HideBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * HideBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * HideBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialImperialStudded") || mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialStudded") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * StuddedBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * StuddedBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * StuddedBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * StuddedBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * StuddedBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialLeather") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * LeatherBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * LeatherBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * LeatherBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * LeatherBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * LeatherBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialSteelPlate") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * (SteelBase+10)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * (SteelBase+10)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * (SteelBase+10)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * (SteelBase+10)) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * (SteelBase+10)) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialBlades") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * BladesBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * BladesBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * BladesBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * BladesBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * BladesBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialScaled") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * ScaledBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * ScaledBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * ScaledBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * ScaledBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * ScaledBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialOrcish") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * OrcBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * OrcBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * OrcBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * OrcBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * OrcBase) endif elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorMaterialEbony") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * EbonyBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * EbonyBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * EbonyBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * EbonyBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * EbonyBase) endif else Debug.Notification("This Armor Does not have a armorhealth entry!") if mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorCuirass") return (CuirassMult * LeatherBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorBoots") return (BootsMult * LeatherBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorShield") return (ShieldMult * LeatherBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorGauntlets") return (GlovesMult * LeatherBase) elseif mArm.HasKeyWordString("ArmorHelmet") return (HelmMult * LeatherBase) endif endif EndFunction ; from Chesko's available array functions bool function ArrayAddForm(Form[] myArray, Form myForm) ;-----------\ ;Description \ Author: Chesko ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;Adds a form to the first available element in the array. ;-------------\ ;Return Values \ ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; false = Error (array full) ; true = Success int i = 0 ;notification("myArray.Length = " + myArray.Length) while i < myArray.Length if myArray[i] == none myArray[i] = myForm ;notification("Adding " + myForm + " to the array.") return true else i += 1 endif endWhile return false endFunction bool function ArrayRemoveForm(Form[] myArray, Form myForm, bool bSort = false) ;-----------\ ;Description \ Author: Chesko ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;Removes a form from the array, if found. Sorts the array using ArraySort() if bSort is true. ;-------------\ ;Return Values \ ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; false = Error (Form not found) ; true = Success int i = 0 while i < myArray.Length if myArray[i] == myForm myArray[i] = none ;notification("Removing element " + i) if bSort == true ArraySort(myArray) endif return true else i += 1 endif endWhile return false endFunction bool function ArraySort(Form[] myArray, Int i = 0) ;-----------\ ;Description \ Author: Chesko ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;Removes blank elements by shifting all elements down. ;Optionally starts sorting from element i. ;-------------\ ;Return Values \ ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; false = No sorting required ; true = Success bool bFirstNoneFound = false int iFirstNonePos = i while i < myArray.Length if myArray[i] == none if bFirstNoneFound == false bFirstNoneFound = true iFirstNonePos = i i += 1 else i += 1 endif else if bFirstNoneFound == true ;check to see if it's a couple of blank entries in a row if !(myArray[i] == none) ;notification("Moving element " + i + " to index " + iFirstNonePos) myArray[iFirstNonePos] = myArray[i] myArray[i] = none ;Call this function recursively until it returns ArraySort(myArray, iFirstNonePos + 1) return true else i += 1 endif else i += 1 endif endif endWhile return false endFunction Edited September 11, 2012 by tnt90 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jshepler Posted September 11, 2012 Share Posted September 11, 2012 True, it probably wouldn't stick. Maybe create a new magic affect with the script attached to it and apply the effect with an enchantment? Even still, if we can't access scripts attached to objects inside containers, it's kind of moot isn't it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tnt90 Posted September 11, 2012 Author Share Posted September 11, 2012 (edited) Well there are only three times that it needs to run, when you change container, when you equip it and when you unequip it. Object References have those events built in so as long as we can still call those events we should be fine.And it seems we can, if I understand it right. I'd actually really like to see if it will stick or not or if there is a way to do that with papyrus. If we can get it to dynamically add the script to the armors then we can also add a script to actors the player has targeted/is near/is fighting to make weapon durability possible as well. But that's a whole other ball game there. Edited September 11, 2012 by tnt90 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tnt90 Posted September 11, 2012 Author Share Posted September 11, 2012 So far as I've been reading, it seems the cloak spell method described in here: will work for any weapon durability actions just fine. But unless I was to create an alias for every possible armor, I don't think I could achieve what I'm after with armors. Sure it'd prevent incompatibilities, but require even more work than manually attaching each one I think. Does anyone know a better way? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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