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Snow Elf Magic


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Who else thinks that it would be awesome if someone created a mod that puts snow elf magic spells into the game, like the magic used by knight palidin gelebor and arch curate vyrthur in the dawnguard questline? If someone is able could you attempt to make a mod like this, or if there already is one put the link below.
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Well, to be fair, their magic was vaguely defined. It seemed to work on an "activator" concept, that is, magical potential was stored within an object (the sunbursts finials on the temples, the connected wayshrines) and then activated by the caster. The one exception I think was when he pulls the roof down, and arguably that's manipulating the magic in the building itself. And I guess he froze the falmer too? So that's removing magical potential for later...


I guess that's the root of snow elf magic, using magic to create change in something specific. So i'd imagine spells that freeze a la Vyrthur, that create portals, that shatter or stop or repair or separate.


I could be way off base, but the Betrayed just use standard magic, so... those are the big differences and examples they give.

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