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Bears, Bears and more Bears


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Either someone on the development team for skyrim is a avid hunter of bears or a closet Chicago Bears fan and trying to boast about it, I cant walk 2 minutes without bumping into a fragin bear o_O I cant take in the scenery for a moment in peace it seems :ermm: this is around the area of Riften mostly I probably have fifty or more bear pelts in my inventory menu right now


Is there a evenly distributed ecological system mod for this game? or less bear encounters?

Edited by sinnerman69
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I've never had this sort of problem with no mods installed that affect the spawning of wildlife. I suspect you have a mod that (a) increases the spawning rate and/or numbers of animals in the wild, and (b) levels them to the player (which is why you're not being overrun with skeevers and wolves).
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I don't use any spawn mods, I use the default launcher window to organize and move mods around and manually install mods and never use community made managers


here's my list of mods


# This file is used by Skyrim to keep track of your downloaded content.

# Please do not modify this file.



Conjuration & Summoning fixes.esp

dbmisc.esp <--------------------------------------------------------moves dark brotherhood forever quest to the misc menu

LFox Pickpocketing Chance Caps at 100.esp

Lost Art of the Blacksmith.esp

The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp <------- thinking of removing and siding with the greyboards for now on



Dawnguard Breezehome Fix.esp

JiubQuestMarkers.esp <-------------------------------- teleports you to all ten journal pages


Edited by sinnerman69
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I wonder if Dawnguard could be the culprit. I have no idea to what extent this DLC impacts the vanilla game, but I know it does add things. Perhaps the devs fiddled with the wildlife, too. Do an experiment. Disable Dawnguard and make a clean save. Go back to an area where you know you're seeing more than the expected number of bears and see if they're still all spawning there.
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Even before I started modding, there was a ridiculous amount of bears... I think that it might be the lack of actual enemies... =/ Think about it.


You've got...




Saber Cats

Frostbite spiders (of varying sizes)


Snow/frost variants of the above five

Cave bears








Occasional NPC (Hired thugs, simple "High Elf" hostiles, the Old Orc, soldiers, etc)

Spell Casters


Ice Wraiths

Dragons of varying size and color

Dragon Priests

Wisp and Wisp Mother

Dwarven Centurion

Dwarven Spider

Dwarven Spheres


That's all I can think of. Which is a short sad list for the vanilla game, especially with a game as big as Skyrim. Dawnguard doesn't add much more


You get...

Master vampires

Death Hounds


Dawnguard dudes


A new Chaurus

As well as a special type of a few wild animals.

Two new dragons.

Hostile werewolves


That totals less than 30 "unique" models for enemies. Of course there's the different types of them, so they can 'brag' about 150 or so "unique" enemies. Unless you're finding 10 or 12 bears at a time in less than 10 or 15 minutes, I think it's just poor rolls on the random chance thing Skyrim uses to generate enemies. But it's not uncommon for me to fight 4 or 5 bears between Say Whiterun and Ivaarstead, then 2 or 3 more on my way to High Hrothgar.


On a side note... Has anybody played around with the Skyrim monsters mod? Particularly the Lore Friendly version? I've been considering getting it.

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I wonder if Dawnguard could be the culprit. I have no idea to what extent this DLC impacts the vanilla game, but I know it does add things. Perhaps the devs fiddled with the wildlife, too. Do an experiment. Disable Dawnguard and make a clean save. Go back to an area where you know you're seeing more than the expected number of bears and see if they're still all spawning there.




I discovered a highly endorsed armor/clothes mod called Immersive Armors last night and downloaded it and installed it and well be testing it extensively today with Dawnguard and all the other mods in my game!..


I removed the The Paarthurnax Dilemma mod and decided to side with the old guys on the mountain for now on!..



The bear encounters only bug me when I'm wondering skyrim trying to discover every location, but I think it's better for quests to point to all map markers and not first discover them, that way when a location is done and cleared you wont get confused if you've been there and wondered that location

Edited by sinnerman69
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If memory serves your map will say "Cleared" with a little icon next to the location when you mouse over it...


But as I said, I think it's just poor luck with what creatures are being selected to spawn. What level are you? at 23 with the hunter armor from the mod you mentioned, the only bears giving me massive headaches are the Snow Bears. They can down me in like 2 hits on Master difficulty.

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