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Specific Superhero armour/weapon request


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Not sure how blunt to be here but whatever.


I'm wanting someone to make some rather specific armour and weapon sets based on comic book superheros.

I've included a reference image for each costume/weapon (might not be enough reference though, I can't tell because I have no idea how to mod)


ARMOUR SETS (including helmets)

- Nova - http://fast1.onesite.com/fans.marvel.com/user/marvel_interactive/f37e068ab888c66417c48af3cbbe178b.jpg?v=270000

- Star Lord - http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/Starlord.jpg

- Aquaman New 52 - http://adventuresincomicsmyblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/aquaman1new52.jpg

- Namor (modern) - http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/2/25493/736784-namor3_super.jpg

- Iron Man Marvel Now - http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/12/126508/2550077-IronMan_1_Preview1.jpg ( I couldn't find any good references other than this one. There's some good references in the first Marvel Now Previews book by Marvel)

- Winter Soldier - http://www.toymania.com/customcorner/cc22/caplegends/6_wintersoldier.jpg

- Talon New 52 -

- Union Jack - http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/11/119417/2316641-union_jack_super.jpg

- plus any others you wish to (Magneto, The Return of Bruce Wayne series Batman costumes, whatever, etc)



- Quasar's Sword (not sure of its actual name) - http://i.annihil.us/u/prod/marvel//universe3zx/images/f/fa/Phyla_quasar.jpg (possibly two versions - one with no enchantments, one with Dawnbreaker's enchantments)

- A trident (for use with Namor or Aquaman costumes) (there's probably already heaps on the nexus though)

- Nightwing's night sticks

- Robin's pole (like the one in Arkham City)

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