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Build your own soul cairn entrance.


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can someone create a quest that let you build your own soul cairn entrance ? i am asking this because we are forced to do the dawnguard quest in order to access the soul cairn and i'd like an alternative lore friendly way to access it.


the quest should be something like this :


1 you randomly find a a journal when you kill a necromancer, since we know what are the ingredients necessary to open the portal { i think that is possiblle to replace valerica's blood with a random vampire blood } it should not be difficult to create a quest


2 after you read the journal you need to collect the ingredient in different necromancer's dungeons and find a spell tome that let you transfer part of your soul in a soul gem


3 after you collect the ingredients and the spell you have to build the portal maybe using heartfire's mechanics


4 after you enter the soul cairn recover the soul gem like during the dawnguard quest or enter as a vampire.


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