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Chasing Echoes


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Here is my issue: As soon as the quest titled "Prophet" ends, the quest "Chasing Echoes" will not start. It starts the "Seeking Disclosure" and "Scroll Scouting" quests, but not the one I need to progress in the storyline and find the other Elder Scroll.


I have searched all over the internet, trying numerous console commands. The furthest I have got using the console, is getting Serena to at least talk to me and tell me we need to go to Castle Volikhar's rear entrance, however when we get there, the door is locked. And even with these progressions, the quest still does not technically start in my journal.


I have only seen one other post with a similar issue all over the internet, and nobody has replied to it yet. If anyone has ANY ideas whatsoever to help, it would be greatly appreciated, because this has put a temporary stop to my playing of Dawnguard.


Thanks in advance for any tips!

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Did you kill Alduin [dragon ending first] before starting Dawguard???, if you have the Elder Scroll [Dragon] in your possession before starting Dawnguard it misses up dawnguard, if this isn't the case then a mod missed up the scripts for Dawnguard


Are you on the PC and use mods? if so could you please list them here so others could pin point the mod that may of missed with dawnguard


Owe on the Xbox your only choice is to go back to earlier saves and no bypass etc modding on gaming consoles is allowed it's against site rules and you risk a ban with any discussion about it!, I'm not trying to be rude, just stating the facts and obvious, you'd be surprised by the amount of admitted pirates that show up here asking for help with the pirated games issues :thumbsup:

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