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Vivid Weathers Good or not worth it?


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I have always liked True Storms but it doesn't add anything to clear weather types. I recently tried out Vivid weathers again but it seems to create a bunch of issues with things, even though some of the weathers look fantastic.


I was using the default setting and a heavy fog weather began, then what I assume is the same precipitation type used in the snow weather begun? I don't know why a fog weather would need snow.. unless it was in fact snow. If it was that is just weird coz 3 seconds before it was sunny, then after it goes to pouring rain etc.. it just feel like too many weather types each with about a 3 -5 minute cycle. This is a minor issue I guess as I can edit the Climate records myself.


The author warns not to change timescale, so that's a negative for me, and also warns it is not a safe mod to uninstall mid game, So I just been testing it on a save I have. I guess in general though you should not uninstall mods mid play unless they are simply a texture and nothing more.


I have noticed a lot of flickering light effects during night when lights are on. I use ENB but currently most the setting are default.


LODs for trees that I made look very different lighting wise to how they do in Vanilla game ( that's more of a conflict I guess) Some are practically glowing. This is particularly frustrating because it took me a long time of trial and error to get them looking decent with the vanilla lighting and weather system.


Motion blur is set to be off in my ini files but seems to be re-introduced with Vivid Weathers, even though it has no ini file. The mod that adds a galaxy band to the night sky for example looks terrible.


Do you guys think it is one of the better Weather mods or do you avoid it? And, Is there any known reason or fix for the motion blur and flickering lights? I would like to keep using it or at least some sort of lighter version of it that doen't add all these visual effects and filters or whatever they are.


Ps My FPS is locked to 58fps so flickering lights are not caused by fast fps.



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I figured out it is records in the image space tab. Increasing the eye adjustment speed seems to remove the motion blur and replacing LUTs with vanilla seems to help too. I'm sure its not the authors intended experience to remove them but while the VW LUT's are in place, there seems to be a noise type static that is present on a lot of things, its not worth the trade off imo. Still looks very good without it. I kept the dawn and dusk LUTs for the pink tinted skys but replaced the rest with vanilla. Star no longer blur heavily at night either now.

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