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Strange Archery/Magic aiming glitch


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When I move the crosshair down the screen with my bow drawn, the bow moves way below the crosshair causing my character to bend over weirdly. This also happens when aiming with a magical spell. I don't have any mods that should affect the aiming in skyrim so i don't understand it.


Someone please help, It's infuriating!

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When I move the crosshair down the screen with my bow drawn, the bow moves way below the crosshair causing my character to bend over weirdly. This also happens when aiming with a magical spell. I don't have any mods that should affect the aiming in skyrim so i don't understand it.


Someone please help, It's infuriating!




Now this sounds familiar. And I thought I was the only one.

Edited by Jellicent
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