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Need some ideas, my mod I made keeps CTD when I go outside


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Need some ideas, my mod I made keeps CTD when I go outside for some reason and I just can't figure out why. I've tried cleaning it I can't think of what else to do, all it is is some breezehome additions that's all and it used to work fine I don't know what the hell I did. Now when I go outside I CTD anybody have any ideas I can do or check, am I missing something?

Also I've noticed when I load it into CK and click on details it says I effected other areas "Cells" and I didn't, and when I try to mark them "Ignore" they don't delete??? Please help, thanks

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Yeah sorry, wanted to make an edit and somehow managed to mess up the whole post.


So you tried the ini tweak and it still crashes? Normally it should prevent those kinds of CTD. For more information on this, follow this link.


There's also another solution. You could make a small interior cell, which is connected to the interior house cell and the exterior through load doors. It works as a buffer cell and also keeps the game from crashing.


Mod cleaning is always a good idea, even if the edits don't harm your mod. I do it the way I described and it should work. Maybe this tutorial can provide some more information.

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Yeah sorry, wanted to make an edit and somehow managed to mess up the whole post.


So you tried the ini tweak and it still crashes? Normally it should prevent those kinds of CTD. For more information on this, follow this link.


There's also another solution. You could make a small interior cell, which is connected to the interior house cell and the exterior through load doors. It works as a buffer cell and also keeps the game from crashing.


Mod cleaning is always a good idea, even if the edits don't harm your mod. I do it the way I described and it should work. Maybe this tutorial can provide some more information.

Thanks for all your help but I know how to clean the mod that's the problem, some things wont delete like cells all the way across Whiterun map that I didn't edit and they wont delete??? And when I try to delete all my navmesh that i put in, the CK crashes???

I actually fixed it to where I'm not having CTD anymore but still have the problem where I cant delete my bad edits or my navmesh.

Edited by KnightRangersGuild
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