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Mod request: Realsitic new farm animals


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Do you want a balanced experience?


Do you want species that are actually found on farms?


Do you want new mechanics and animal products?


Well, this mod idea is for you. I can't code unfortunately so I'm posting ideas. Feel free to add your own.



Coop Animals
An early game animal that produces only feathers
Unlocked at: Coop
Produces: Turkey Feathers
Pros: Cheap, produce feathers everyday
Cons: Feather's price is low
The chicken 2.0 ,also more expensive
Unlocked at: Big Coop
Produces: Quail eggs
Pros: produce eggs everyday that worth more than chicken eggs
Cons: eggs can't be made into mayonese
A reverse duck, basicly produces more feathers than ducks but less eggs
Unlocked at: Big Coop
Produces: Goose eggs and goose feathers
Pros: Feathers are worth more than eggs
Cons: More expensive than ducks
Looks at these colorfull feathers
Unlocked at: Deluxe Coop
Produces: Pheasant feathers
Pros: Feathers are expensive
Cons: Pheasants are EXPENSIVE
The ultimate coop animal
Unlocked at:Deluxe Coop
Produces: Ostrich eggs and Ostrich feathers
Pros: Eggs the size of your head that are worth a fortune
Cons: Expensive, takes long to reach adulthood, eggs can't be used on the incubator
Remove the dino from the game for realism
Early game manure producer
Unlocked at: Barn
Produce: Manure
Cons: Low production
Note: Manure can be made into fertilizer
The fast sheep
Unlocked at: Big Barn
Produces: Alpaca wool
Pros: Produce wool faster than sheep
Cons: Alpaca cloth worth less
Donkey 2.0
Unlocked at: Big Barn
Produces: Manure
Pros: Manure everyday
Cons: More expansive than donkeys
Dromeday cammel
Imported from Calico desert
Unlocked at: Deluxe Barn
Produces: Milk and wool
Pros: A cow and a sheep in one
Cons: Low production and more expensive
Asian buffalo
Unlocked at: Deluxe Barn
Produces: Milk and manure
Pros: Milk can be made into mozarella that is expensive
Cons: Milk is cheap, produce less manure than horses
Edited by Seiyn
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