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Question about screenshots


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So I've seen people take screenshots of the killcams, but I'm really not sure how they do this. I thought it was to use tfc 1 but that doesn't do anything. Does anyone else out there do this already, and can give me a few hints on how to screenshot my char in a killcam move? They're really awesome but sometimes I get weird angles and can't really take a picture correctly.
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So it's just a matter of luck? I thought once to get a companion to do some killcam animations that came in a pose pack, but I couldn't quite get it to work correctly. Thought maybe I'd clone myself and make the clone do it but it didn't work out so well.
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I have the same problem with killcam shots. TFC 1 will not work while they're in progress. I have to be quick on the draw and be lucky enough to hit tilde at the right moment. Then tm, tilde again, and then just keep hitting printscreen and hope I have something worth saving.
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