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Anything from Marvel comics/movies!


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I'm a fan of all Marvel superheroes and would love to dress my Dragonborn up as one of them. Or to walk into a tavern and find say Nightcrawler sitting there willing to come with me on my battle or even just to marry me. So is there anyone out there that could make the costumes or even just some NPCs that look like them? And if you can make them talk even better! But please be careful with how you make them sound. I got upset when I got the Drell follower and my Thane sounded horrible. I accept that they can't sound like they do in other things but the voice the creator gave him made me want to play with no sound. So please, if give the NPC heroes a voice be careful with how they sound.


Sorry I don't have any pics but I am asking for ANY hero(es) so really who you do is up to you.

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