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Blades- From Slayers to Tamers


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I have always had a bit of a problem with the Blades in Skyrim. They are supposed to serve the Dragonborn, however they try to bully the DB into doing their bidding. If they are supposed to serve, than they should obey his orders?


Well, what if instead of eradicating the Dragons you wish to investigate taming them?


I was thinking there may be Legends of old where this was done, or it would tie into the Bend Will shout. If you succeed than you might start seeing friendly dragons flying through skyrim with a member of the Blades on its back.


A unique dragon mount for the DB would also be interesting.


Admittedly this would be more for a Stormcloak Victory skyrim, as the Thalmar still hate the blades. Just an idea, but thought i would share it.

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Dragons I won't have to kill? Oh yes, please! Not so sure about the Blades though...they would need to have a plausible change of heart through some side quests. (Dragons saving towns from Alduin's supporters, such stuff). I'd love dragons facing off against Alduin's dragons...

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