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Master of Disguise SE necromancer clothing question


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There seems to be a bug when putting on necromancer clothes. When I equip necromancer robes the guards become hostile. According to the mod auther only the Vigil of Stendarr are hostile to necromancers so that's odd. Furthermore, all city and town guards across Skyrim become hostile even though I've switched back to neutral clothes. Waiting over a week in-game doesn't help either.


I tried the same thing with Forsword Armor and they were friendly again as soon as I came back with normal clothes. Didn't need to wait at all. Guards that didn't see me in Forsworn armor didn't attack at all while I escaped. So it seems like there's some kind of bug with necromancer clothes specifically. Maybe it's the mods fault or maybe I have another mod that interferes in some way, I'm not sure.


Any idea what the problem is? Unfortunately the message board on the mod page is closed so that's why I'm asking on this forum.

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